2017 - Hurricane Thread

i think we need to have a thread on this.

death count currently at 44.

i have a few buddies going down there on the adjusting side. this is going to be a high-impact storm for insurance.

anyone here going down to volunteer at all?

It’s sad, also there’s people faking to be a rescue team and they’re robbing people instead of helping them. People looting etc.

I’ve been posing memes in the Trump thread about this since the day it made landfall.


Lot of my friends took on damage. Very sad.

It’s sad and inspiring at the same time. Seeing the convoys of volunteers with boats heading down the highways straight into that hellish mess tells me this country isn’t as fucked up as the media wants us to believe.

It is causing a gas panic here in DFW. Almost every station is out of gas because the media said there could be a shortage. Dumbass people then filled up every container they own and now the stations can’t get fuel delivered fast enough to keep up, causing an artificial shortage.

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It definitely is not. But on the flip side…when California ends up in the Pacific because of some mega quake, I won’t shed a tear.

i havent seen any estimates on total damages yet but caught bloomberg this morning who has some numbers from Sandy and Katrina. he was estimating $365B - $500B in losses bases on the population effected. also said the initial estimates from Katrina and Sandy were low by a factor of 10x at the start.

are there any good sources for the fake-search parties going on?

I fully expect Harvey to break our hurricane damage records when it comes to cost even though right now some people are saying it won’t top Katrina. With the double landfall and the fact that it hit not only our 4th largest city but also so much of our energy production the costs are going to spiral fast.

Received a little shy of a foot of rain near Austin.

There are not any stations with gas right now, been this way for 3-4 days now.

We are staying home, both cars are running low on fuel, but we have groceries and all utilities on.

I’m grilling some fajitas.

Do you think Diesel gas is less likely to run out like regular gas in these type of events?

My buddy lives in Fort Worth, he said it rained a lot for him but he’s too north and didn’t get hit.

Get ready for a metric shit ton of “southern” , “no rust” cars for sale.

Katrina was bad for that too.

almost bought a house in beaumont/port arthur many yrs back when i used to work there. good thing i didnt coz i wouldnt’ve had the food insurance just like 80% of people that didn’t for the hurricane.

Half the gas stations have gas in Austin area now, we are almost to normal levels.

The Chuck Todd show this morning was blaming all of the highways for the flood. I guess they did not hear about the 51" of rain.

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They called it a 1000 year storm then in the next breathe they said it will keep happening because of the highways.

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There are a half million illegal invaders there, I wonder how much money they will be getting.

I know so far we (FEMA) have had more than 540,000 survivors call in for disaster assistance and more than 132 million dollars has been approved solely from registrations thru disasterassistance.gov. I wouldn’t doubt if this storm comes in higher than Katrina cost wise.

Another thing to watch for with this is the path of Hurricane Irma and if it makes landfall around Texas.

Irma upgraded to CAT 4 today. Puerto Rico and FL declare State of emergency.


Yeah I’ll take snow over that shit any day.

Category 4 and still strengthening. Is it possible for Irma to go right across Florida and hit Texas again?

They’re saying right now that it’ll take a dramatic turn back across florida and head for the Carolinas.