HVCC Fall 2009

The pics dont really show how high it was off the ground though, lmao.

I’m bored as fawk in class with Gatville right now

im pretty bored in the comp lab again.

Dude WTF?


gat can you go do a burnout in the cutty to entertain me.

negative, didnt drive it today, too scared of women drivers

ha tiney boppers got ya shakin in ur nickers huh

women drivers are teh worst

joo take my car than i see, pick up an O2 on the way home

too many close calls:Idiots

yea steve ill grab 1

I gave myself a cramp walking from the baseball field to the library.

True story.

I want to punch every college kid in the mouth for all of the traffic around here

hey im a good driver

yeah def some weird ass people at the valley and dont kno how to drive kinda scares me

My public speaking class is full of win.

Newest HVCC club member. My Civic is already shaking in it’s boots in hopes of not getting hit :ohnoes

tsss… your gonna have a fucking line of sweet cars trying to race you

Probably, and I’m going to laugh.
Those fucking reverse speed bump “dips” are a pain in the fucking ass, I already bottomed my front end out twice there today:banghead

oooo yaaaaa… i remember going over those in the GSR once, those fucking things are badddd news