HVCC Spring '09

Yeh its really bad, they are straight scum bags that sit outside and yell at girls like anyone of them will actually talk to them. I get so pissed seeing that

i’ll have to give that a shot next semester. i think it might be in my yellow paper thing they give you to pick out classes.

one girl in my economics class, short black hair, these really sexy tight jeans, and HER SHOES. ughhh, these stelleto type.

as usual i came in the class and it was full and i had to sit next to the damn heater:bh:

I dont know why people think they can pick up girls that way. It’s unbelievable.

crazy nig nogs, comp cafe is the worst, i dont go in there anymore

the one black guy that everyone knows is sOOOOO funny , his name is maurice. he’s pollite though. but the other hootwats are just terrible lemme holla atcha lemme holla atcha.

yo girl you look sexy and shit, come over hur yo let me get dat number!

^i heard that earlier

Damn, girls wearing heels and shit to class. thats serious. Wish I was in college again. No easier place to pick up girls.

Possible dinner date in an hour with some CP !!!

where? the one with the cafeteria upstairs??? that one is soo funny to go in. there loud, obnoxious, its histerical. but if your tryin to get work done… GL with that.

CP will be like damn yo shit is side swiped!

Sounds good my man.

ROFL… it’s not bad, tiny ding and some clearcoat scrapes. Shit’ll buff out. :open_mouth:

cafeteria downstairs, i didnt know there was on upstairs?

This may be true, but you getting caught with some CP wont

I went for automotive. There was one black girl that quit, one pig with a kid in autobody, one really hot girl a year behind me (her boyfriend went too) and maybe one or two others. Boxersix’s sister was also a year behind me.
Other than that just guys and for the most part they kept us away from the main campus. It was the same group of guys in all our classes.

cock biter

well, you got the dirtbags hangin out infront of the campus center smokin cigs all the time. its always the SAME people.

then by the clock tower the blackies are there hollerin. but its not really segregated though. just the usual “clics” i guess you could call it.

I meant white vs black. When I went there was definately a black section of the campus center.

campus center comp lab right??

I wont go any where near the campus center. I got a couple homies in my chem class but I don’t think they will last