HVCC Spring '09

yea, next to where you get the id’s

lmao @ the hollerin nigs…

When my ex-gf went here she always got “hollered” at… I just lol’d at her.

My ex use to get it too…then the nigs hated me cause i walked away with her

Once they learn enough to make their drugs theyll be gone

The nigs are in it for the health insurance, women to holler at, and potential deals. Nothing more.\

This one barack supporter fell asleep in my math class… prof came up to him to hand out papers and he was out cold lmao.

I used to fall asleep all the time in college, especially my third year. One time I sat on a seat from an S10 that was next to the truck in the big shop and fell asleep for a few hours.

that will get you far


I would like to spend my money to sleep in some uncomfortable place also

Hey, I graduated. Twice.

The seat was very comfortable.

anybody got a break at 10AM tommorrow?

yea man, let me know so i can bring old gray then i wont have to worry about door dings, at least on that side…oh wait, i might have to get an L S GUN BRO IT GETS EM WETTTTT

FAIL lol

anyway this section should be good, come CP in most of my classes, 945.ohhh in my eng tdi logik in my acct and eco classes.

Haha yeah def! I brought it up once last semster, and all the shop kids were running around like idiots tryin to get me to do a burnout lol. Damn lopey cam…

haha, shoulda saw the idiot looks i was getting running around open downpipe haha.

i got a few stares the day i took my cobra.

the front mount on the jetta gets few looks too.

:rofl i went a week or so with just a downpipe on my buick :smiley: the other day i finally got around to putting a glasspack on it, no cat FTW


In English this evening, I am just sitting in my chair chillin’ and taking notes, 3rd row back. HOT, HOT, HOT girl in the row to my left and 1 chair up. In front of me, a heffer.
So its 730 and the teacher decides its break time (its a 3 hour long class… fuck me). The heffer in front of me turns around, I look up, and she smiles at me in the most lame attempt at an eyefuck/connection I have ever seen. I didn’t smile back, I smirked, being the dick that I am. She then got up and stormed out of the room

I am also a fucking klutz around hotter girls… case and point, we had to write an essay and we could leave when we were done. I finished, and hottie was still workin on hers. I throw on my coat, backpack, grab my papers, and head over to the teacher. In the process I knock the girls paper off her desk that she’s writing with my puffy ass coat. I apologize and she kinda smiles and goes “it’s ok” (she seems shy but she eyebanged me so it’s onnn). I pick up her paper, hand it to her, and on my way to the teacher I walk into a fucking desk :rofl WTF! I then hand the essay to my teacher and walk out of the classroom in disgust.

:rofl nice story chris, next english class we need an update :up