Why your views are wrong.

He wasn’t dangerous. He has never done anything to anyone outside his own country. …for years.

He had no weapons of mass destruction… And no there was not a way for him to get rid of them, by the time we go there…it was a complete surprise attack, from their points of view…and i’m sure we would have caught on to their transportation.

And again, you are wrong. Most Iraqi’s and Afghanistani’s don’t want democracy…cause it fucks with their religion, and the only thing they have seen since we go there, is prostitution and crime rates skyrocket. Love it or hate it… you have to agree… Saddam Hussien, knew how to keep his people in line. And you can make the arguement, that he killed his own people… what do you think Bush is doing, by sending poor farm kids off to war? And hitler killed a lot of people. A lot, a lot. But he is still one of the best leaders in the history of the world.

How can we go over, and make another country become a democracy, when we ourselves aren’t even a democracy? We are a Democratic Republic.

We have had Saddam for 2 years. And we have made ZERO fucking progress. I think its obvious, he wasn’t what we went over there for.