Why your views are wrong.

sure. u can’t define “enough” though. and even if “enough” came together, what would you want to happen? another civil war? but are u sure this isn’t just a pipe dream. a way to get attention. any way possible?

do you want to be the daddy or the kiddy? king of the hill or little one at the bottom. as bad as it sounds, if you want to go live in a place where they dont have to show political supremacy and make tough decisions and deal in foreign affairs, then GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. pretty simple. go to canada. sure, they dont meddle in other countries affairs… while discussing with someone yesterday, they reminded me that canada (and many others) don’t need to be a super power, because they are protected… by the US. there’s no way any country/group would attack canada, the US would be right by their side. so we do the necessary dirty work, and canada is just a friendly neighbor to everyone. so go live there.

again this just sounds like u want to start some civil uprising and overthrow the government. what would happen then? probably complete chaos. i think you’ve read too many books.

okay, and then they’d find you, torture you, and kill you, but not before torturing your family and friends in front of you. i don’t think you understand just how good you have it in America. but it’s just not good enough right, you want more and more and more. tell you what, why don’t u take that grill money and car money and whatever, and go buy yourself a share of a small island somewhere, and u can rule/lead as you see fit.

I will not argue that there were some good things about the occupation of iraq, but they hardly contrast the negative. And it also turned out that alot of the people were almost forced into voting.

you could be quite possible the dumbest bi-sexual person in the world. we’re trying to actually discuss, and u throw in something retarded. go end yourself mr. “I’ve fucked more chicks in the past 12 months, than you will all your life. Ask anyone on the forum that knows me…” lolol. i dont doubt it that you get a lot of 16 y/o’s, i just wonder if u get more guys than girls?

He wasn’t dangerous. He has never done anything to anyone outside his own country. …for years.

He had no weapons of mass destruction… And no there was not a way for him to get rid of them, by the time we go there…it was a complete surprise attack, from their points of view…and i’m sure we would have caught on to their transportation.

And again, you are wrong. Most Iraqi’s and Afghanistani’s don’t want democracy…cause it fucks with their religion, and the only thing they have seen since we go there, is prostitution and crime rates skyrocket. Love it or hate it… you have to agree… Saddam Hussien, knew how to keep his people in line. And you can make the arguement, that he killed his own people… what do you think Bush is doing, by sending poor farm kids off to war? And hitler killed a lot of people. A lot, a lot. But he is still one of the best leaders in the history of the world.

How can we go over, and make another country become a democracy, when we ourselves aren’t even a democracy? We are a Democratic Republic.

We have had Saddam for 2 years. And we have made ZERO fucking progress. I think its obvious, he wasn’t what we went over there for.

Every argument you make seems to boil down to: “if you don’t like it, leave”
What you don’t understand, is that i do like it, and i don’t want to leave. But if every person shared the same views as yourself, the same utter trust in your leaders, you would ultimately find yourself in a totalitarian state. And THEN you would bitch. It’s not necessarily about what’s happeneing now, but rather, what is going to happen.

I predict massive civilian unrest on the horizon with 10 years.

And, finally, please stop with this attention whore buisness… If that’s where i was going, there would be an overuse of the word “fuck”, my tone would be different and I wouldn’t be responding to every point you made.

man, i just want the gas prices to go down =’(

that’s a pretty mature comeback…

atleast my insults are phrased correctly, not run on sentences, and coherently, thought through before posted.

you sir, are everything i say you are, and you don’t make a point of it, to prove differently.

I say…“You are a hotheaded, internet tough guy”… you respond with “your a fag. u lyke totally like dudes bro. ur tattoo sucks, my tribal is madd silly dope fresh”

its guys like you, that make it almost too easy, to land a chick. just compare.

didnt read it all, but newman wins.

Sorry DrDos but beckington doesn’t.

I’m glad newman at least agreed with me about how some good came from it. I know that not everyone over there wanted democracy but a lot did. A democratic republic is a type of democracy. Voting doesn’t really conflict with any kind of religion. We went to war for our country’s interests. OIL. It had to be done. At least some other good stuff came from it.

Innocent farm kids didn’t go to war. A lot of good men that volunteered to protect this country and it’s interests went to war. For those people I am truly grateful, for without them, I would not be where I am today.

According to your logic beckington, you and everyone else in this thread that bad mouthed President Bush should be killed or sent to the gulags (sp?). Then you could say he was a great leader. That’s how it worked in the Soviet Union at they were as powerful as America.

What you just posted hurt me very much, I’m going to cry all the way to your girlfriends house.

SO THATS WHY GAS PRICES ARE SO HIGH!?!?!!?!?! Oh, now its clearly evident. :bloated:

But atleast now, you will admit to your leaders lying to you.


I promise to leave this conversation, if you promise to be smarter.

chine, n. korea, these countries have violated human rights FAR worse and are a MUCH MUCH greater threat… we did this to get our hand on some oil trade, so we could push around the middle east

No deal. Instead of pretending my statement didn’t make sense, tell me how you wouldn’t be slaughtered already or digging holes for the rest of your life.

no, every argument i make does not boil down to it. that’s simply the answer if you are going to keep complaining and not seeing the BIG PICTURE. why do u keep avoiding the issue about getting into politics? is it because, instead of being a man and actually trying to make changes, u want to hide and be sneaky and form some underground coalition and revolt? i respect someone if they want change and strives to get it accomplished, but that sounds more like a coward than someone who wants change.

okay, so you know politics, but you and your buddy beck just like to cause drama. seriously, has beck even gone to college? is he 21 yet? i’m sure he’s well informed. but he’ll still back you up for basically no reason. then we have the other posters who will agree without even reading the posts. personally i dont think youve won any part of the argument. you always fall back on: there will be civilian unrest and the worst is yet to come and the US makes others angry by meddling in their business. well, i explained why we needed to, agreed that the worst will come, and that if civilians are unhappy they should get into politics or go somewhere where they agree.

beck i never called u a “fag”, i said u were a “bi-sexual”. oh no, i dont use proper sentence structure and grammar in my posts. i never knew this was a final project graduation 100 page thesis paper that needed to be perfect. please, trying to act smarter than me is just pathetic.

the only valid thing i’ve seen u post in the last few days, is that hitler was a great LEADER. not a great person, not a great man, not a reasonable or moral thinker. but he could LEAD people. so what are u saying, that since some people are great LEADERS, they should be allowed to torture their own people and kill others as they see fit? they should live lavishly while everyone else struggles to survive?

And you wouldn’t?

With a name like Gustav…

I don;t admit to my leaders lying to me. I don’t know if they did or not. But oil is necessary to this country. I said it was for oil. We gotta do what we gotta do.

Going into China would be terrible for the american economy. China’s economy is starting to grow and is a good trade with America. Not to mention the size of their army if we invaded.

My real name isn’t Gustav fool. I just like it. And no I wouldn;t since I’m not sitting here saying America stinks. I walk outside my door and I love living my life because I have it so easy. It’s sad how hard some people have it. Especially when you have to worry if a policeman is going to come into your house and make you pay him as he beats your wife and children.

im out.


let me know how this goes, guys.

we should totally over throw the govenment. fuck changing it.
revolution and start over.

because that wouldnt destroy the world economy or make this country a giant target for just about anything bad.

silly extremists. you’re like libs with an s on your chest.