Why your views are wrong.

When each soul counts toward the final means, it’s important to open as many eyes as possible, via whatever means necessary.

recently? Not alot.
In the past I have played in a very political, anti-establishment hardcore band. I have attended critical mass rallies and have helped distribute pamphlets and information that I hope will help open peoples eyes.

??? Bono, is that you?

??? Bono, is that you?[/QUOTE]


oh, and:

I just really wanted to know what your response was to “Besides posting on an internet forum, what has Newman done actively?” I thought you might have actually had some useful political experience or something. Newman, since I don’t know you personally, I hate to hold anything against you. However, your attention-whore antics are too much for me. Back to the ignore list.

Ok, well, i haven’t said anything even remotely attention-whore-esque since you initially “added me” to it, and now. So i don’t know what you are basing this on, but w/e.

Are you talking about the war in afghanistan or the war in iraq because the war in iraq wasn’t started because of terrorism.

I don’t pay attention to politics too much but could someone just give me a list of valid reasons to not like the leaders of this country? When I say list I don’t mean personal reasons or things like they do bad things. Actual events would be nice. Inform me.

  1. Iraq
  2. Massive failures of intelligence gathering
  3. Tapping the phones of every major telco, illegally, without warrent
  4. Haliburton

Why do you feel Iraq was a bad decision?

o… m… g…

perhaps because the supposed inteilgence was incorrect, perhaps because there were no wmd’s and the white house has other reasons to go to war with the country, there are about a million reasons why we should not have gone to war with iraq, but mainly because thousands of soldiers have died to fight a war that was based on LIES

When i say war, i am refering to the conflict in the mideast, and soon to be mid asia… As much as it pains me to say it: turn on the TV. If you can think objectively and not accept everything you are told, you will see a flood of images of agony, caused largely in part due to US foreign policies. It’s not about making a list either, I cannot do all of your research for you, but i implore you to look into it yourself, because you don’t have to dig deeply. Anything i say can be easily brushed off. Things you discover mean a bit more.

The war in is not “due to terrorism”: agreed
The war in afghanistan is not “due to terrorism”: agreed

Any conflict there, can really be tied back to our own actions, specifically the US governments totalitarian strategies of the middle 20th century in palestine. That pissed off ALOT of people, and we are now coming to pay for it. What is the WTO, the target of the attacks?

In general, the WTO seeks, unconditionally, to empower the private sector. There is, however, one major exception: Article XXI exempts activities related to “national security” from WTO challenge. This allows a free flow of tax dollars - via government subsidies - into weapons-producing industries which, in turn, stimulates arms exports and arms proliferation.

“A nation that sacrifices liberty for security, deserves neither.” -Ben Franklin

Americans killed in Iraq > Americans killed on 9/11

The president has made over 700 declarations that as a matter of presidential perogative, he is above the law.

If a man is successful in illegally violating the privacy of millions of americans, we put him in charge of the CIA so he can violate people’s rights all over the world.

newman, you’re right on this: there will be much worse disaster than 9/11 in the future. but, of course there will be - history always repeats itself. the problem is this: remember when the US dropped those A-bombs on Japan? 500,000+ casualties immediately killed/and in the fallout afterwards. now we have nuclear weapons. a few can destroy the world. so i guess, we should just let any country or group do anything they want and have a militant force. and i guess it would be okay if a nuc hit NYC and immediately wiped out almost 10 million people and wrecked the east coast. or let LA be a target, there goes 4 million people and the west coast. do you think this should be allowed to happen? i’m confident that if certain groups COULD do this, they WOULD.

i won’t deny you’re much more in the political loop than i am - BUT - u just dont seem to understand how big politics and world safety is. if some countries have to play bully, thats just how it goes. okay so the situation in iraq wasnt really about WMD, but i’ll put 100% faith in the leaders of the US who have been there for years and years and whose job it is to MAKE THE BIG DECISIONS, that its an overall good decision. if u keep arguing that the decisions arent right, then get into politics, try to get your views heard and agreed with, and fail miserably. it seems youre trying to start an “underground revolution” of “critical thinking” against the set standard of politics and government. you’re trying to “build awareness”… for you and everyone who agrees with you, WE KNOW that not all decisions are 100% moral, BUT you should also understand that certain ones need to be made. not all actions are 100% kosher in people’s eyes, but certain ones need to be taken.

i wonder what the world would be like if communist russia or nazi germany was the most powerful entity? probably would be a fun time right?

Actually, it was the Supreme Court when they declared that corporations have the same rights as people under the law. From there they started shaping public policy through corrupt politicians.

Plus, the CIA is a civilian organization. It shouldn’t be put in the hands of a career military man.

Firstly, I am not trying to start anything. This movement i speak of is far bigger than you know, and is gaining strength with the loss of each civil liberty. Pulling imediately out of iraq could potentially create a huge backlash, that is not what i am proposing we do… But these “extremists” are people too, and people can be influenced, just as i hope to do to my fellow americans. There can be peace, but American interest in eastern oil is fueling a huge surge of political negativity into the US.

It’s all about the dollar, and among other things, the WTO’s interest in it. The argument you make about nuclear weapons is valid, but weak. And your blind faith in the leaders of the country are weaker.

And as for your last question. What if the nazi’s were in power? Well, they would probably be trying to control nations outside their own soil, for their own personal interest. Sound familiar? Seems like something i read/hear every day.

far bigger than i know, lol. whatever, the underground plans or plot or whatever it is you want to call it, is comprised of “critical thinkers” like you who think they can make changes and mean well, but it’s just not a possibility.

it is all about the dollar. money makes the world go round’. i dont see how my argument about nukes is weak: if we don’t play daddy to most other countries, then the world comes to an end. money allows you to play daddy. i highly doubt the US would ever decide to engage in some mass destruction act, ala killing tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions. BUT, what other countries or groups might do this if given the opportunity? i don’t know about you, but i’d rather not be vaporized because radicals are trying to make a “statement”.

my blind faith in the leaders of the country is weak… um okay. okay mr. political genius. why dont u (try to) get elected to any political position, then move up the ranks then. try to make some big decisions. seriously. unless you’ve been in that spot, u have pretty much no idea what you’re talking about. this is the issue i have with the government detractors: you just don’t know or understand how difficult of a job it is. it’s easy to talk like you know all the answers from a civiliar point of view, posting on a forum, driving your car and chillin w/ the homies.

if the nazi’s were in power, u wouldnt be alive, because they would deal with people like you by immediately killing you. thats a fact you just cant argue.

All it takes is people. ENough people can change the government, change the world. Our country is comprised of enough individuals to do so.

The process is self propagating, we play daddie to a country, favor one country while sytematically destroying another, is going to instigate rage on us, which creates the “need” for us to invade another country, whic makes more people angry. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

The problem is what the system has become. It is far too corrupt to be corrected by conventional politics. It’s not a matter of being elected anymore, it’s a matter of civilian action.

I can argue it, and will. If the nazi’s were in power, i would probably still be alive, persuing subversive activities under the guise of complacentcy.


Newman. Don’t use big words. :ham:

I still haven’t found time to run to Border’s, and get him that dictionary, he so desperately needs.

Still all goes back to Money

I understand that there were no weapons of mass destruction found but with a man that dangerous could we really take the chance? Couldn’t he have moved them out of the country by the time we went to look for them? And from what I’ve seen, the people in Iraq thought we did a good thing. Saddam Hussein killed a lot of his people and lived lavishly while his people suffered. There was a big turn out in their first election.

If I’m wrong let me know, again I don’t stay up to date on things.