Why your views are wrong.

like devon said, if you dont like the sig, there is the option to turn em off …i say keep it…the more people that see it and actually think about the point it has…good, this country needs to get a toast of reality, which wont ever happen anyways…
… i say we shut down disney… :lol:

Devin. :stuck_out_tongue:

Like the guy who was complaining about your avatar. He offended me by his being offended in the first place. Therefore he shouldn’t exist. :tup:

Fucking Religion and politics.

How do I survive without them?

Yeah I’d imagine the paper cuts would suck. :tdown:

People would not know what to do, and another group would form. That is how it works history has shown time & time again people looking for a reason or feeling of purpose.


still waiting for an answer

sorry, missed it the first time

Well, what i am doing is trying to get more people to open their eyes. I can guarantee that there are countless people out there who KNOW that change is needed, but are afraid of feeling exhiled, different, etc. I am trying to make them realize that there are more people out there, who feel similarly, if not even more passionate. The key to any revolution is a strong physical human backing. Am i saying that the time is nigh for us to rush out and buy guns and attack the government? no, i am simply trying to build awarness. That is the first step towards making change. Thinking “what impact can i have” is so un-beneficial to any movement, and that’s exactly how the government can control us. fear. fear that we are powerless. fear that if we attempt to make change, we will realize how insignificant we are. well, friends, i can tell you it is not the case. we are a powerul force. and i can assure you that the goverment should be afraid…

While I do believe your signature is slightly overboard, I’m really not here to debate. I believe a subject like this is hard to argue about. I may lean to one side more than the other, but no one is going to be able to prove they are 100% right. As we have seen in the previous thread, people tend to get really hot headed, and I’m not here to make enemies. But to their defense, some people are just really passionate in what they believe in.

[font=Verdana]I may not agree with some of your statements, but one mans opinion is no better than another’s. I’ve actually had someone try and argue with me about how one color is better than another. People just need to open up their mind a bit, and realize not everyone thinks like them. I believe when it all comes down to it, it’s a matter of opinion. While you can converse about it, and try proving your point, no ones going to be able to prove the other one wrong. So everyone should just chill and calm down a bit.[/font]

[font=Verdana]-This kind slides off topic a bit, sorry. :([/font]

^ i see what your saying, but there is a vast majority that agrees with what newman is trying to say…I for one agree…and many others that i know agree.

:lol: a friend of mine right now is actually writting a book about how our country does not and has not for a long time done what our nation was founded on…how our gov’t HAS violated the constitution several dozen times…

our nations beliefs are based more so on religion now and whats “morally correct” in “theyre eyes” than what actually is right…there is no such thing as seperation of church and state now, and our freedoms are slowly going out the window and it is time that others take the time to open others eyes

Or in essance became what we seeked to avoid in the first place.

religion is used to blind people. now it’s also used as an excuse for our “leaders” to ZING! the constitution.

fuck that close minded shit. fuck dumbocrats. fuck the republiKKKans. and fuck bipartisan gov.

i’m glad n00bman has that as his sig. it gets you away from dreaming of american idol and gets you involved in critical thinking, as biggoted, gay hating, and dumb as it may be.

we, as the (for the most part) youth need to start doing something. we can’t just sit back and let the government wave iPods and minimum raise increases in our faces, hoping that it will keep our minds off of the shit they pull. we need to get involved in one way or another, wheter it be talking to friends and family members, or bigger things.

obesity and laziness dosen’t just pertain to our bodies here in america, it’s taking over our minds.

i’m really tired and hungry. i’ll stop now.

That’s a great quote right there:tup: Sad but true. That’s all I really have to add to this thread…that and I pretty much agree with everything in the original post.

This is from a guy that is thinking about joining the military?

you could always move to canada

im here for the gangbang

my parents had no interest in politics, I have little interest in politics.
it’s too easy to get wrapped up in day to day life to try and address the bigger picture and the future for all americans.

everyone is trying to live for today… financing their futures into oblivian.
I know i’m alot farther in debt than i should be… stupid home ownership

I have no idea what the country will be like when my kids are in their late 20’s
hopefully we can teach them to think.

that may not be legal here.

you may need to move to the netherlands or some shit like that.

interesting read newman, i agree with most of what you’re sayin.

kinda nice ready something intelligent on here once in a while

I am with Iroc-Z on this…although I do think Newman sig is a lil too much it still brings up very valid points about the politics in our nation…I am not in to them at all I tend to live my live the way I want and careless what anyone else does…but from what I do know is that Newman is right in saying many changes are needed…everytime i turn on the news something in politics is either gone corrupt or CIA Agent leaks or whatever it may be…the problem is people in politics get blinded by the all mighty dollar…and when u break it down thats y EVERYTHING has happened…some presisdent back in the day made an a decision to better his bank account and its a downhill sprial from there…whether it be to occupy a country because they have oil or they are getting money from somewhere else…most “good” politicians by good i mean higher up ones are multimillionares…and instead of thinking with their brain and listening to people they think with $$$…all that shit has to stop…will it…prolly not…but Newman is right in away saying that a “revolution” needs to happen and like he said not like the French or American revolutions but enough people to stand up and say “HEY,YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING UP OUR COUNTRY WE NEED TO CHANGE AND CHANE QUICKLY BEFORE WE BECOME A HELL HOLE THAT SUCKS BALLS”…now i have no clue if this made any sense at all nor do i care what anyone else thinks…but what do i know

i will say, if we continue on our current path. The WTC attacks are going to be a slight tremor when viewed beside the chaos to come…

Is it intelligent or is it a way to cause a big debate? Religion and politics really shouldn’t be discussed. Besides posting on an internet forum, what has Newman done actively?