Why your views are wrong.

Thses guys are weird. They think that a group of radicals are gonna overthow the president even though he was voted for a second term. PEOPLE LIKE HIM. Get over it. No revolution is coming in America.

Beckington, you still haven’t told me how I was wrong.

meh its just the emo thing todo … hahaha :wink:

hahahaha, i said that earlier

the president is beyond control, he is beyond the law, he is out of control and needs to be stopped, his rich friends who actually control the whitehouse (cheny) are hell bent on creating a world economy which they can control through corporations… these will be the new governments that make changes in policy not by popular opinion but by financial gain, if you support that 100%, and consider those the “tough choices” then your an idiot… even fiscal conservatives hate bush now, he is wasting US money to fight a war that benifits major corps instead of the american people, or the so called liberated people of iraq

so if you believe this, are u going to man up, go somewhere else, or just bitch and moan?

If you don’t believe in the president then don’t make a big deal about it. There’s nothing you can do right now so just trust the system. At the end of his term there will be new people. Hope they are better. I’m glad that we have a stable government and I don’t have to worry about violent protests breaking out in the streets or bombings of churches and public buildings.

i have to agree with this guy (and i hate to because he doesnt like the hatch i built)
but if you guys think like this, go to your closest street corner and get on a soap box. preach to the masses.
kinda like the morons and the world is going to end tomorrow guys.

im sure you will find a couple listeners.

the whole point behind democracy is not to leave if you don’t like whats going on, it is to vote, to change what is going on. I have voted in every presidential, town, school, and primary that I physically could, so yes, I MAN UP EVERY FUCKING TIME I STEP IN THAT BOOTH AND TRY TO MAKE my voice heard.

Bush’s approval rating is tanked below nixon, the majority of the contry is not happy with the job he is doing, whould we all pack up and leave? “man up” so to speak?

Should the north have left the US because slavery was popular down south? they didn’t agree with MOST of the country, should they just have left? gone somewhere else? you continually equate standing up for your political belifes with “whinning and bitching” it is not, its standing up for your principals, which is the aformentioned “manning up”

try to make sense

I clearly stated why i am not going to get into politics, immediately after you asked me why:

The problem is what the system has become. It is far too corrupt to be corrected by conventional politics. It’s not a matter of being elected anymore, it’s a matter of civilian action.

I feel like i am repeating myself here. Please let me know what the “big picture” is, and how i am losing sight of it.

it’s not far off

and for the record I was completly FOR the war in afgahnistan, and still am, I am against the war in IRAQ

No it really is.

If they payed attention to the news media in the US even slightly there were hints we were going after them 5 minutes after the first plane hit. It was no suprise, he had an intelligence agency. And the start of it was even televised live. There was no suprise to this, it was obvious months before it even started.

Also another point I want to make seeing as Gustav was just talking about voting in a new leader. Can anyone expain to me how our votes really matter on that from. What about electorial colleges there was already one case in history many decades ago where a president won popular vote, but lost the electorial vote. Or the fact that other political parties aren’t able to compete in debates and such. It’s an archaic system that really seems to just keep the same groups in power.

word to zwarbyt. I really don’t think that there is going to be a violent coup de tat, however, a civil uprising can be non violent, and doesn’t necessarily require brute force to accomplish it’s goal. Please do not confuse what i support with people trying to burn the white house to the ground.

And honestly, i feel like i am arguing with 2 adults with child’s minds. (gustav and badazzss). I don’t think you understand how lacking of intellect you are being percieved.

i agree with this point, but hiding a nuclear weapons manufacturing facility is not akin to hiding a some bombs.


$100+ billion dollar trade deficits are not a good thing for our economy.

P.S. if you don’t vote, and you still bitch, then I am in agreement with Badazz (shudder) get the fuck out, yes there are effective ways to protest, and other ways to influence leaders, but voting is step one, if you can’t/won’t do that, then by all means get the fuck out


I don’t know if you know this, but I am a kid. And I’ve told you time and again that I don;t pay attention to politics. I just like to question Bush haters because they usually don’t have good reasons for hating him.

Particularly true for beckington. He said Hitler was a good leader for killing the people that spoke out against government. Yet he says Bush is a bad leader. If Bush killed Bush haters then he would be a good leader in beckington’s eyes. Which means beckington would love Bush for killing beckington.