Why your views are wrong.

We still need China.

well, i was a bit upset with him for opening that can of worms, but a good leader, and having good tactics are not necessarily synonymouns. That said, hitler knew how to manipulate people, to gain support, and to effectively control the masses, but at the same time, he was a madman. Comparing bush to hitler is touchy, and it is easy for uninformed people to invalidate anything positive about hitler by involving the holocaust/ww2. People forget that there was more to hitler than those two event.

well it seems that voting isnt working eh? since you get outvoted apparently more often than not. i guess the majority doesn’t agree with you.

the only reason i equate standing up for political beliefs with whining and bitching, is because that’s all you do. (thats a general YOU referring to everyone who is on your side of the argument) if u REALLY FEEL that strongly that our leaders arent doing a good job, and you think the country is being run right into the ground, and the system is corrupt, then start a campaign, run for office. if u dont want to get into politics as a job, then maybe, just maybe, you really dont know what’s best for the country.

newman, sorry i missed that response: but basically all it says is that you want to be part of the snky snky revolution since there’s no way you could survive in the current public political eye. this fits your personality perfect though. and the big picture, as i stated before, is that SOMEONE has to play the daddy, the big brother, has to protect, and help, and sometimes invade and meddle. if not, then the world will end much sooner than expected.

how am i lacking intellect? u think that liberals should just develop a whole new way of thinking and progressing through today’ society. that MAY happen over hundreds or thousands of years. im not a political guru, i dont belong to a party, yet i can still foresee what would happen if the US wasnt involved at such a high level in world/foreign affairs. if you can’t understand that, you are stupid. (note, im not outright calling u stupid, just stating that IF you’re blind to that notion, you’re not that smart).

I agree with a bunch of stuff you say in these threads but beckington’s a fool

wow so i just saw this thread and i would like to say something. Im rather nuetral in politics and I dont know much about about the situation in Iraq. I do however know that we are in Iraq for all the wrong reasons. My beleifs about Bush are this. He doesnt care what he does. This is his last term, nobody is going to kick him out of office before his term is up. It has been blatently obvious for about the past year or so that next president will be from the democratic party. With the elections coming up in the next few years, i think what newman is doing is great. He is getting people to think. People need to know what they want and express that to the government before elections. If you beleive in something, and enough ppl beleive in it too, you have to let your party leaders know this because thats the only way change is going to come. Elections will arrive in a few years, if you have strong views towards something, make ur voice heard and vote in favor of a politician with the same views. zwarbt is absolutely right when he says u need to vote. and newman is absolutely right when he says that u need to open ur mind and think freely. you need to take their advice and do it. if ur not passionate enough to do it, then you dont care enough to make a difference.



And best for last…


Alot of the public, yourself included, is misinformed. What I am attempting to do is raise awareness in the same manner that a politician campaigns. My goal is not to personally overthrow the government, but to enable people to think. If other people adopt similar beliefs, then change is on the way…

As far as you sounding unintelligent, thats simply a matter of your word choice and diction. How you are saying it, not what you are saying.

idk i guess i can see both sides of this, i understand newmans point but then the pic of the guy falling could be taken as a bit much if someone had family or friends that died in the attack. but i understnad the point he is trying get across

on a side note i think all the hates should just uproot newman to the ignore list

you’ve abandoned one flock of sheep for another.
there is still a mary leading you to your slaughter.

I have abandoned nothing. It’s a war that needs to be fought on all sides, though i am opposed, at this point, to any violence.

i understand your point here, but perhaps starting your “eye opening” experience on an internet car forum is not the best of ideas… to me it feels more like you are just trying to start drama and get a rise from people who disagree with you, more than make a change. :shrug:

For what? So you can buy cheap shit at Walmart?

Yes please

i have the widest audience of my peers here, than any other place i can think of. If i was at school still, i would be doing the same there. Why would i not do so here?

Maybe because people here like to work on their cars and not protest the government. It might just be me but I’m pretty sure that a bunch of people saying they dont like the president isn’t going to make him leave office.

He can’t be impeached unless he does something bad. And it’s my understanding that the majority of voting americans like him.

let me first say that as of now, i have not read this entire thread yet, however i feel the need to add my thoughts while they are still fresh in my mind. i would also like to add that i have absolutely no interest in politics whatsoever and very rarely do i get involved in debates such as this. but…

basically, this whole country is corrupt from a political standpoint. i agree with whoever said that politicians are making decidions based on thier bank accounts and not for the good of everyone else. all politicains are extremely selfish towards themselves. i believe some1 earlier in the thread quoted Ben Franklin on somrthing. now there is a very intellectual person and someone who did a lot of good for our country. back then, there were presidents and politicians who actually cared about the country and the people living in it. that is surely not the case anymore. IMO, the last good politicla leaders dissappeared after WWII. from then on, you had power hungry and money hungry selfish dumbasses running the country and we have jsut been digging ourselves deeper and deeper into troubble ever since. everyone wanted to be on top.

i beleive it was one of the Roosevelts (the first one…his first name escapes me at the moment) that had the policy of “speak softly but carry a big stick’ which from what i remember contained views of 'unless some1 comes knocking on your front door to start shit, stay the hell out of everyone elses BS around the world.” i absolutely love this policy and couldnt agree more. if we had this going today, we probably wouldnt have went to Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afganastan (because they wouldnt have been pissed at us in the first place) or Iraq. and now we’ve got the asian countries pissed at us and thats not good. we jsut keep pissing more and more people off at us and mayb eventually these dumbfuck politicians will realize how deep they are getting thmeselves in and stat changing. i highly doubt this will happen because they are jsut that stupid, and money talks.

so basically, i agree with noewmn (to an extent) that something needs to change and it needs to change fast. someone or a group needs to get in there and get us out of all this shit were in and do a hell of a lot of ass kissing to these outher countries that are pissed at us right now.

ok im done, thats my .02

your understanding is wrong, the majority of america did not vote him in, the majority do not approve of the job he is doing and he HAS broken the law and could be impeached for a number of reasons, no one is willing to do it

No he really couldn’t. He didn’t win the popular vote?

electoral college, do your homework

So he didn’t win the popular vote?