Why your views are wrong.

Basically it means even if everyone voted for an independant canidate. Chances are it would be reflected in electorial votes.

We only make a vote for another vote. Even then they don’t have to reflect that choice necessarly.

I know that the popular vote doesnt count and that the electoral college actually votes for the president. But zwarbyt said people dont like him and i was wondering if he won the popular vote. If he did then obviously people do like him.

The majority of Americans that could vote DID NOT vote for bush.

Comments like that are up there on the “stupid shit to say” scale. Do you only understand the value of dissent when those who share your views are the dissenting voices?

The majority of American’s that VOTED voted for him. And guess what, only the people that vote get a voice. Whiney kids on internet forums who come up with the cutest little excuses for not voting get zero say. Instead of “Rock the Vote” and “Vote or Die” I vote that the next slogan for the lazy generation be “Bitch About the Vote, Then Don’t Bother Going To the Polls Because The Man Is Going To Win Anyway Because I Read It’s All A Big Conspiracy On The Interweb”. The cost for 5 foot long bumper stickers would probably be a little high though.

Or, to put it with less left wing spin, the majority of Americans that could vote SPLIT there vote pretty evenly between the two, with more going to Bush.

Or, with right wing spin for my people, the majority of Americans that could vote DID NOT vote for kerry.

EDIT: Actually, I just looked it up. 64% was the turnout, so I guess the majority did come out and vote. You can see some interesting stats here:

Way to go 18-24 year olds, the most vocal group, with the lowest turnout. :tup: to you. It’s it really that much harder to drive to the polling station and vote than it is to sit in your parents house posting shit about the candiates on chat forums?

A much less sarcastic :tup: to the 64-75 year old crowd. Despite being the least mobile group, and the ones who probably had the most trouble physically getting to the polls, they had a 73% turnout rate.

So Newman, be honest, did you vote?


[saw your edit]


if Kerry won… would anything really be that differnt?

how is anyone supposed to answer that? We are trying to avoid speculation on the past. Forward thinking FTW.

if kerry won, he would be trying to un-do the shit stink that bush got us into in iraq. Basically thats all that the next president will be doing.

If I have said it once I have said it 1000 times…

It doesn’t matter who you vote for, the CIA runs this planet!!!

You can start your grass roots campaign if you have nothing better to do but don’t expect to change anything.

no different back then than today. ben franklin was a self-serving peice of garbage. during the “revolution” if you want to call it that, he sat in france cheating on his wife and buying outdated french arms and selling them to the infant USA for an incredible profit. he would basically say one thing and do another. he didn’t even “discover” electricity, it was actually his son William, but because old ben was a selfish asshole, he took all the credit. he didn’t even run across the field with the kite, it was his son out there in the lightening storm.


in response to bAdAZZss, why would anyone want to attack canada in the first place? for providing their people with free health care? for the senators blowing yet another season?

and what’s the deal with this hickish “you don’t like america? you don’t want to go to war? well you can just GIT AHHHT!” stop it. that is really foolish. if people actaully did that, would you be happy with your totalitarian state? would you be happy with your real life “1984”?

edit: “1984” is that BOOK where the bad people run everyone’s lives and the good people don’t like it and they don’t know their own history and everybody is sad because they can’t be free and live like they’re free and then everyone cries again because there is a new language called newspeak similar to internets language and lots of sad people are suckered into it and well, i’ll let you read it.

HAHA! would he also be cutting taxes, staying in iraq, AND increasing social program funding? because if i recall correctly, that’s what he claimed he would do if he were in office. very LOLable. still however, he might have been better than the poop we’re stuck with now.

The real question is, would things be different if Gore won?

Not but if Dole won… or Bush Sr. was never elected.

What’s wrong with Bush senior? The Gulf War?


if he was never elected, bush wouldn’t be fighting his fathers war.

How did I know you’d say that? Oh wait, i forgot you’re a liberal.

Didn’t the Gulf War end a while ago? If it did then how is it the same war.

most wars never really end…

Cause his father never finished the job. His father had Saddam in Baghdad, and was 100 miles away from him…and didn’t finish it off. Cause he knew the same shit happening today, would have happened then.

If you are going to sit there and tell me… that bush isn’t being told what to do by his father, and his fathers people, you are niave.

Bush is fuckign retarded, there is no way he would be able to do half the stuff he has done, without some inside help.

I’m fairly sure there’s no survivors of the Spanish American war so I’m gonna deem that over. I guess that goes for the American Revolution as well.

What I meant by if Gore won was would he have reacted any differently to the situations like 9/11 and the Iraq situation.

Every president gets inside help. It’s called his cabinet. And I’m pretty sure none of his dad’s people are on it. And most of them have gone senile by now anyway.

he would def. not be cutting taxes AND increasing social program fund, thats spending money and losing money at the same time. not to mention democrats never cut taxes. they like to take money from the rich and give it to the poor. he also would not be pulling troops out of iraq. He would have had a tough time cleaning up the iraq mess. at this point were in too deap to just pull out troops. I dont know how he would do it, or if it would work, but he would need some kind of plan.