hell yah, where going to have to make a trip out
Pittspeed meet day for new Hybrid shop?
that would be sweet…then we could all go to dinos afterwards for food
I already booked my flight for the first weekend of April. I can’t wait to watch Jay rip shit up!
Let’s just plan something and not tell Dennis and just show at random :bigthumb:
oh man thats badass.
so when is the shop gonna be operational?
the hole for the dyno was cut and is being dug and the walls are going up soon for the dyno bay and office, phones and stuff should be done by next week
Good luck Denis and all! Shop looks good! I’ll be attending one of your dyno days sooner or later. I don’t know if my car will even register on it haha.
x2… im sure the drinking is going to be out of hand down there… cant wait!
damn the end of an Era.
Good luck Eric & Jay! 2 of the best guys in the industry IMO!
so hows the shop coming along guys?
i got the phones and internet hooked up late last night. Denis should be starting to return phone calls today, over 100 messages, dyno room is almost complete and should be opperational in a few days
sounds like everythings coming together nicely…once everything is up and running im gonna come down and check the place out
name is spelled denis, not dennis…
Good luck! Will they still be tuning AEM EMS w/o Jay there?
@ Hybrid right now looking good. Dynos in wireless is up and most of the walls are in place. Took some pics ill have them up tonight.
What general area is the shop in? I wanna mapquest it to see how far away I am…
just mapquest latrobe PA…its maybe another 10-15 min drive from where the old shop was
the address is on the website