Hypothetically speaking

Yeah cuz your really fucking cool in the first place to comment my typing and grammer when you yourself add lyrics from someone who should get a fucking last name. Where do you come off agreeing to my cousin getting threatened. It gives me the right to do anything I fuckin want to you. I’ll threaten you all I want and be the one to actually show up and beat your short stubby ass. And attention??? Oh I’m sorry if I can’t have the right to defend family, I’m not like you who have been disowned by your family members but still recieve money from them to remind you how fucked you are in life. REal fuckin cool, you had no part in this thread, and you should stay the fuck out of it. With you posting only brings your whore level up more than i doubt you need. And with all your “little buddies” defending you, you build yourself up even more when you sit there and think how shallow of a person you can really be.