I <3 dumb people

Not that to many people know my job or anything about it. I am tech support for a small company. Iomega. We sell all kindas of comptuer hardware and such. I got the greatest call ever reciently.

Guy calls up with one of our hard drives. He’s got a Mac and starts to ramble on about how its not mounting anymore. I check the usual shit and pretty much figure out he fucked up and just unplugged the thing. bye bye partition on the drive. So the drive is still usuable after format. You wouldnt believe the amount of people that do this.

So no big deal right? Just reformat the stupid thing and the guys on his way? Well not so fast. The guy starts to ramble on about how he has an important clients data on this drive and he doesnt have it ANYWHERE else. He works for a small photography company.

So I laugh at him(in the back of my head not literally) and tell him that he has to get some sort of data recovery done to get that data back. He wasnt please at all, he begins to tell me the client was Usher :ugh: and there was a photoshoot for some magazine and maybe some stuff for his new video on this hard drive(I was too busy laughing to hear anything other then the photo shoot). I put him on mute and almost fall out of my seat laughing. Once I gather myself together and tell him hes pretty much fucked. But being a good customer service rep about. He’s pretty much in shock. Now… we have data recovery, but its fucking rediculasly expensive. I tell him, hes really quiet. I give him their number and send him on his way.

Any normal person thats working with a well paying client will realize that putting all your data on one drive is fucking stupid. I love getting calls like these when people say “well this is my backup” or “6 years of my life are on this zip disk” and the proceed to scream and yell because their to fucking ignorant to trust comptuer hardware and only keep one copy.

People are dumb. maybe this should be in daily beef lol

I back up my working analysis files at work every couple hours!