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2006-02-03 10:06:51 EST: 907 / 114
Your download speed : 907 kbps or 113.4 KB/sec.
Your upload speed : 114 kbps or 14.3 KB/sec.

Thats with 2 bars! :lol:

That’s such bullshit, how does Rochester get EVDO before Buffalo…


buffalo is getting fiber soon, dont worry.


Early summer is what I was told by the verizon folks…

my evdo works fine

That’s Sprint, not Verizon… Even though it’s the same tech, Verizon can’t use Sprint’s goodies apparently…


that is like the evdo here in NYC . DAMN that’s fast.

plus i didn’t realize you still can recieve incomming calls when using it as a modem, and bluetooth modem settings work now too

i’ll believe FIOS in Buffalo when I see it. What areas do they plan on deploying? Or is it the whole area?

oh i know, its just continuing my sprint > verizon :slight_smile:

answer my pm slapnut…


and can make calls while using it too

hamburg/ orchard park first.

i wonder how quick that will spread to lackawanna where i live.

EVDO in rochester is mighty mighty quick when i got my e815 i was soo surprised at the speeds

havent figured out how to use it as a bluetooth modem with my lap top yet but then again i havent really looked into it

if anyone knows how post to send me in the right direction!


dslreports.com speed test result on 2006-03-07 12:12:45 EST:
1263 / 120
Your download speed : 1263 kbps or 157.8 KB/sec.
That is 138.7% better than avg. other reports from myvzw.com

Your upload speed : 120 kbps or 15 KB/sec.
That is 26.8% worse than avg. other reports from myvzw.com

PS: Welcome to dslreports.com! Run more tests! see forums

I RANK 7th ON TEH SERVORZ: http://www.dslreports.com/archive/myvzw.com?s=1263&r=451