I <3 Mandi


Ok here’s the deal. I’m going to call later to “check in” and then I’ll say I have to go eat dinner or something. I’m going to make my number private, obviously. Or well… I could call from my grandma’s… hm… I MIGHT do that because then he won’t ask why it’s private. But if he calls back… Sorry hahah I’m writing my thoughts down.

I sort of want to go down to NC just to see the look on that mother fuckers face. If someone wants to drive down, I’ll pay gas $ and help drive because I don’t want to stop and sleep in some crappy motel. Hahah. We need like a camera crew and shit.


i’m flying to VA on tuesday…$85 for the plane ticket. i’ll drive you to this kids place then drive you home…missing a few days of work/class isn’t a big deal if i get to witness this…