If you don't want to be embarrassed on nyspeed...

Don’t send me creepy messages on aim/facebook/text. My signature is real. I’m not taking it down. Enjoy.

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Black]The first part took place on my phone:

[COLOR=Navy]cheeseman: delete your speed sig you fat slob, or im gonna create craigslist ads withy your phone # in the escort section for weeks and weeks to come
me: hahahahaha awesome
cheeseman: enjoy 4am calls every 5 min from creepos. not the 1st time ive done it. works wonders. enjoy gettin a new phone # too.
me: enjoy getting fucked up.
cheeseman: dont sit on me.

then i logged on.[/COLOR]

DIE fromyou (6:27:07 PM):[/FONT][/COLOR] 400 lbs of awesomeness.
cheeseman5907 (6:27:29 PM): Aww dont worry…craigslist doesnt discriminate against BBWs
DIE fromyou (6:27:48 PM): You know that’s illegal right?
cheeseman5907 (6:28:26 PM): 5 min to remove sig… bye
DIE fromyou (6:28:32 PM): Don’t threaten me.

DIE fromyou (6:28:09 PM): so who’s your cute friend who is harrassing me?
OoMordakoO (6:33:06 PM): sorry im taken
DIE fromyou (6:33:15 PM): are you retarded?
DIE fromyou (6:33:20 PM): don’t have people threaten me.
OoMordakoO (6:33:39 PM): no but obviously you are.
DIE fromyou (6:34:24 PM): sorry you’re a pussy.
OoMordakoO (6:34:53 PM): whoever is talking to you is probably serious. dont be dumb
OoMordakoO (6:35:57 PM): nice insult calling me a pussy…you got me so good
DIE fromyou (6:35:57 PM): welp, this shale be interesting. i’m not erasing my sig because of some pussy faggot who can’t take a joke.
OoMordakoO (6:36:13 PM): o shit now im a pussy faggot, you got me sooooo good
DIE fromyou (6:36:34 PM): well, you’re not?
OoMordakoO (6:36:57 PM): lol i dont care, hope it was worth it in the end. bye
DIE fromyou (6:37:12 PM): you obviously care, you idiot.
DIE fromyou (6:37:30 PM): since you’re now going to harass me on craigslist and make fraud posts.
OoMordakoO (6:37:43 PM): i never said that.
DIE fromyou (6:38:39 PM): oh, well your friend is.
OoMordakoO (6:39:33 PM): lol i wouldnt call that guy from the buffalo psychiatric center my friend
OoMordakoO (6:39:49 PM): i would call him crazy though.
DIE fromyou (6:39:51 PM): pardon?
OoMordakoO (6:40:09 PM): ya he was released a few weeks ago
DIE fromyou (6:40:15 PM): god, you’re so fucking gay.
OoMordakoO (6:40:28 PM): good one
OoMordakoO (6:42:23 PM): get yourself a good nights sleep tonight
DIE fromyou (6:43:57 PM): should i sue you?
OoMordakoO (6:44:25 PM): not unless i sue you 1st, then you could only counter sue
DIE fromyou (6:44:37 PM): what grounds would you have to sue me?
OoMordakoO (6:44:56 PM): didnt say i was going to. what ground would you have to sue me?
DIE fromyou (6:45:26 PM): harrassment? i don’t fucking know. but you just said not unless you sue me first. i swear to god if i start getting phone calls, i will find you. and your friend.
OoMordakoO (6:46:17 PM): i cant control what somebody else does. that’d be harassment/illegal in it self. and you cant sue me for the actions of somebody else
DIE fromyou (6:46:45 PM): baby baby stick your head in gravy
OoMordakoO (6:47:03 PM): is that some goth song
DIE fromyou (6:47:15 PM): HAHAHAHAHA.
OoMordakoO (6:47:43 PM): wrap it up in bubble gum and send it to the navy?
OoMordakoO (6:47:51 PM): pretty immature poem.
DIE fromyou (6:47:52 PM): oh look, you know the words.
OoMordakoO (6:48:02 PM): ya google is magnificent
OoMordakoO (6:48:55 PM): oh and if you do come after me, i could get you for stalking
DIE fromyou (6:49:12 PM): suck my twat.
DIE fromyou (6:49:24 PM): i’m done. peace.

PS. Petition to ban Mordak?


People need to grow the fuck up


10$ to bannish dawn, I honestly know how nyspeed felt when I use to post stupid shit constantly, and I’m sorry

lets start this collection bucket

paypal link?

Someone’s emotionally upset that I shot them down.

get on the wagon or something?

The conversation right there is enough to call the police and open up an incident number. He most certainly is threatening you.

Do you know his full name and/or phone number or address? You will need that to call the police and tell them he is harrassing you.

The police will come to your home, take a statement and give you a piece of paper with a reference number. You have evidence in hand right here…

Think he wants a misdemeanor? Hopefully he smartens up and can take a joke. Your sig is actually kinda funny…

lol at how quickly mordak reported this thread.

Jeremy, stop being such a douche.

lol mordak is so lame.


That links been posted before.

Clean Baldy I agree the sig would be kinda funny…if it was real.


And I can’t believe you’re still denying that it’s real. You think I’m just going to make something up? I mean, I know that some people aren’t a fan of me, but I’m not a pathetic loser. <3

I thought you said you were banned. Wtf.

COME ON GUYS!!! Snow hasn’t even fallen yet!

Mordak you’re a douche bag and a loser for

A.) trying to get with dawn
B.) how you tried

You should sue your game for failing to deliver the goods.

zklug. I never wanted to get with dawn.


and i cant belive he is still denying it. this happened like 2 days ago and she texted everything to me saying how pathetic he was.

Dawn, I don’t know you, but you are coming across as an attention whore.

Do you even own a car that you could actually talk about on NYSpeed, and not one that was bought and flipped over on Furhman with them still owing you money on it?

But I guess some guys like to feed off your drama.


hahaha, nice work Dawn!

i lolled at that…

dawn does post alot of useless junk