I <3 Mandi


:fyi: If this thread fails to deliver, I will ban everyone involved. Permanently.

Dead serious.

Registration temporarily closed (but for how long remains to be seen, decision forthcoming after comittee meeting).

You people seriously need to find something to do with your lives, this shit is pathetic.


haha, shut up rick. aren’t you supposed to be banning people? :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

Man, am I pissed my internet connection has been flakey and i missed this. I’ve been bored off my ass all week. Props to all those involved.

Posting in EPIC THREAD!

This shit is awesome. Put me down as willing to assist in anything we do to this tool. Great lulz

Dear NYSpeed,

Thanks for making my workday go by faster and making me laugh in the process of doing so. I can’t wait to waste part of my day tomorrow reading more of this.


PS ~ This thread is A+++.


haha, shut up rick. aren’t you supposed to be banning people? :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:


In due time :wink:

lmfao this guy is a cock


In due time :wink:


haha. hasn’t the thread already succeeded?

i lolled.

dawn, at least try and get him to send you nudes. or him naked with a sign that says

I <3 Mandii

on it, over his junk.

God, that would make his GF want to kill him.



haha. hasn’t the thread already succeeded?

i lolled.

dawn, at least try and get him to send you nudes. or him naked with a sign that says

I <3 Mandii

on it, over his junk.

God, that would make his GF want to kill him.





dawn, at least try and get him to send you nudes. or him naked with a sign that says

I <3 Mandii

on it, over his junk.


I don’t think his junk is big enough to fit more than “I < …”

seriously tho. dawn, you NEED to get him to take a pic with a sign.


Dawn, I am impressed at the skill you are showing at gaming this d-bag. Have you done this before???


haha. hasn’t the thread already succeeded?

i lolled.


Nope, I want more than a small chuckle. I want CATASTROPHE! I WANT WEEPING AND KNASHING OF TEETH! :shoot:

So go big, or you will be going home. :slight_smile:

Getting banned for participating in this thread may be worth it.

Well it’s official. Dawn is the by far the greatest pimp in nyspeed history. While this guy should have seen her coming from a mile away (that’s not a fat joke) she managed to pick him up in like 30 seconds. All the while slamming red bulls while preparing for an emergency road trip to NYC.

Where’s that worship smiley?

I would like to see the pic that she sent him, could lead to another awesome thread.

:lol: I wonder who he’s spanking it to now? :rofl:


Well it’s official. Dawn is the by far the greatest pimp in nyspeed history. While this guy should have seen her coming from a mile away (that’s not a fat joke) she managed to pick him up in like 30 seconds. All the while slamming red bulls while preparing for an emergency road trip to NYC.

Where’s that worship smiley?



/all i got

I don’t even know what to say right now.


/all i got


That wasn’t so hard now was it. :stuck_out_tongue: