I <3 Mike Vick


I just got finished reading the details of what his participation was in brutalizing his dogs. I am truely sick to my stomach right now. Not even the dog fighting part. The murdring, touturing, and personally brutalizing these poor animals :frowning: … And, the fucking pleasure and joy he got out of it.

Anyone up for kidnapping him, and hanging him (not to death just enough to fuck him up good) eectracuting him, drowning him within an inch of his life, beating him with 2x4s then to finish him off throw him in a pit with a bunch of fighting dogs to finish him off.

Deplorable! I actually hope he gets back in the NFL in a few years at like 35 so I can watch a DT or LB snap him in half.


I had to put that in google for it to tell me what you tried to spell. ELECTROCUTING.

Go kidnap him from jail. Good plan. He’ll get what’s coming to him.

Not seriuos about kidnaping, just incase i actually have to state that… But i kinda wish someone would.

He is a POS. I wonder how people are treating him in prison. Probably fairly well, actually.

Hes isolated from prison population.

where have u been the past 2 years?

Meh. There are worse cases, criminally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit Mike Vick someday.

I hope he plays football again. He really made people think twice about the definition of a modern QB



i agree that was completely awful :roflpicard:

Its Just Karter bro. What’d u expect?

nothing more and nothing less than that lol


My fantasy team name is Michael Vicks Doggy Daycare… some people got a rise out of it.

As far as he goes I hope he plays again but :tdown: to what he did.

“I have two weapons - My legs, my arm, and my brains - Michael Vick.”