michael vick=biggest piece of trash ever...

honestly, i hate him. he grows up poor, then makes $?millions a year, and has to dogfight?? how about buy nice cars/houses/boats, and sleep with women?? i guess that isn’t good enough for him. he wants to keep it hood. i wish someone could take his money/fame away, and put hoim back where he came from for a few months. live in the projects again, and see what you lost. maybe im going overboard because i have 2 dogs, and love them like my whole world, but that clip on sportscenter got me so mad when i seen those pits fighting, and the one was yelping. wow, you made a dog attack another dog, your a big man, yes you are, and no one can say anything to you, because your bodyguard will beat them up. yeah, your tough. id like to see him fight a trained pit bull, and see how long he lasts in the nfl when it locks on to his knee. we all knowhis brains/game management don’t keep him playing. if vick couldn’t run=rodney peeete/andre ware/akili smith/yeah, they all sucked, and so does he. i think his mom must be real proud of him and marcus. way to use that talent. what a waste of humanity. im being serious. he is a complete piece of trash, waste of life, worthless criminal who runs a 4.2. i wish i ran a 4.2, then i could stomp on someones head, fight dogs, and be cool like the vicks.

He does sleep with women, one accused him of giving her genital warts lol

it was herpes…a.k.a…RON MEXICO…

Michael “Coach Killer” Vick …dude is the most overrated piece of crap in the NFL …should just change his name to Kordell


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


honestly, i hate him. he grows up poor, then makes $?millions a year, and has to dogfight?? how about buy nice cars/houses/boats, and sleep with women?? i guess that isn’t good enough for him. he wants to keep it hood. i wish someone could take his money/fame away, and put hoim back where he came from for a few months. live in the projects again, and see what you lost. maybe im going overboard because i have 2 dogs, and love them like my whole world, but that clip on sportscenter got me so mad when i seen those pits fighting, and the one was yelping. wow, you made a dog attack another dog, your a big man, yes you are, and no one can say anything to you, because your bodyguard will beat them up. yeah, your tough. id like to see him fight a trained pit bull, and see how long he lasts in the nfl when it locks on to his knee. we all knowhis brains/game management don’t keep him playing. if vick couldn’t run=rodney peeete/andre ware/akili smith/yeah, they all sucked, and so does he. i think his mom must be real proud of him and marcus. way to use that talent. what a waste of humanity. im being serious. he is a complete piece of trash, waste of life, worthless criminal who runs a 4.2. i wish i ran a 4.2, then i could stomp on someones head, fight dogs, and be cool like the vicks.


great post! vick is a piece of shit…

who cares what he does. as a NFL fan giving the fans the finger was worse than running a dog fighting ring. that was on the field this was off. agreed he is a piece of shit thou. this girl i was tagging knew the vicks and A.I. because she is from newport news VA. she said his mom is a real bitch and they were all trouble growing up. anyway…i’m not shocked and horrified by a story like this…its just life in ghetto america. people want to be and act like a pieces of trash.

rodney peete wasn’t that bad. he was average.

I, as an animal lover, care what he does. Pit Bulls have a terrible misconception regarding what type of animal they are, and this animal Vick is only helping to perpetuate the cycle by being a fucking piece of shit asshole. His high profile is giving attention to something that is absolutely terrible and letting impressionable people, whether it be kids, stupid adults, or wannabe’s, a reason to look into dog fighting because Vick is doing it.

I hope they absolutely throw him to the wolves in terms of going after him in the eyes of the law.

There is an excellent article on SI.com right now about what all went on at this house. Read it.

there are bigger fish to fry meaning the amount of NFL player that are out there driving drunk, commiting crimes against humans, selling drugs… etc…

Sure, there are guys committing bigger crimes, they need to be gone after too. But you can’t just let this go by the wayside. I think you’ve got to go after every single guy that screws up.

about time someone else is thinking what I am

i own a rottweiler, and will always own one. i love bully breeds, if they are cared for correct, they are the best dogs. you are 100% right, the vicks of the world give pits their/problems/bad rep. i love pits, and would one in a second. my busddy has a 95 pond blue nose, and he is a lap dog. its all in the way their raised.

this is like the 5th thread about Vick being a peice of shit. lol. he is though. very overrated as a QB but still an awesome athlete. i dont like him or his brother and hope something comes down on him. he got alot of atttention for being this “superstar” when he really isnt, in my eyes, so i hope he can see the other end of the spectrum because he already got more fame than he deserved and he didnt do anything to better himself from it and remained a peice of shit, so i say fuck him.

I own an American Staffordshire Terrier “pit bull”. I will always own one. Best dog in the world.

they are great dogs. all bully breeds are…rotts, dobermeins, pits, cane corso’s, mastiff’s. all very smart, affectionate. its all in the owners. my aunt use to bredd shitzu’s, and the one little bastard use to bite evereyone.

It’s just a shame that with his money he wont get shit someone else will take the fall.

mike vick aint got shit on OJ. lol