I almost died watching this!! so good

Man this is classical… best comercial ive seen hahaha

guys watch this


women are so dumb at times …

Hahaha that is funny! Where do you keep finding these vids?

hahahahaha probably finds them on youtube…

rofl that was a good one great laugh


seriously…it was not that funny

hahaha yah i thought it was great…

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i read it…but i mean…anyone who isnt a moron would do that

…or even get themselves in that situation in the 1st place

so no…no score for the males

and you don’t think that a female could think up that solution on her own…please…common ****ing sense…like unless you are complete idiot (like they made that women out to be) then I could see you being in that situation…I hate how society makes women seem incapable of doing things…that really pisses me off…

oohhh whatever…call me what you’d like…cuz you can

¡¡ssɐ ʎɯ ssıʞ

this is not an argument…this is a discussion…and trying to distract me with an offer to do some ILLEGAL STREET RACING will not work…altho…if it was an offer to do some ILLEGAL STREET DRIFTING…drools…lmao!!

but i like it better sideways!!

damn right you won’t touch it!! :stuck_out_tongue:

could that really happen??

wow…kinda impressive

it was funny but the acting is SO shit!

this wouldn’t have happened if instead of shitting she was ILLEGAL STREET RACING!!1