Cars, Chicks and Crashes..

i thought this was gunna be bout girls crashing cars lol…but damn the guy at the end was saved by that tree

^ haha for real! did you see his facial expression?
It was the greatest sigh of relief I have ever seen! hahah

lol i had to watch it a second time to catch it

Here are some women who should have never been given a license to drive… lol
The first one is quite humorous…

wow…im embarassed for these women

that first vid was nice. girls and cars cant go wrong with that.

wow those women drivers are something else… ive seen people try to pump gas like the first one… they didnt succeed either
the second video makes me wonder how she even got to the parking lot… let alone her licence.
and the third one… well what can you say about that, theres no way that car is going to fit in that small space anyway and after that many attemps… its like thats the only spot to park in that whole area she must park there…

lol it was funny wen she starte yelling

Did you see those crazy Arabs ghost-riding in what I presume is Dubai?

Freakin looks like 100km/h and on their sandals!!!

^^haha ya that was nuts… too bad they didnt show more of that i wanted to see some more.

Woman flips car after hitting gate:

omg how the hell did that happen? damn never seen a car fliped moving that slow


haha female drivers…
found this one… i would just turn down the vol. cus i think the music sucks (not my type thats for damn sure) but still pretty funny (from some movie)

nice vid i seen a few of those car crash clips before… very classic…