04 mach 1 crash

A teenage girl was showing off in a rolling burnout and lost control.




Originally posted by Darkstar
things like this make me wonder why we allowed women to get drivers licenses (much less the ability to vote). Women should be in the kitchen, not on the highways. But i guess they do have to get groceries and stuff like that… So i guess i can go either way on this one. Maybe we could put some sort of monitoring device in their minivans so if they try to go anywhere but the supermarket the engine disables itself.

Originally posted by LS1 babe
oh please…lets move this to e-fighting! i don’t even want to start, but i hate well guys say women can’t drive. I bet i can drive better than you. I mean my trans am, my ram and hell i can probably ride my bike and my jet skii better than you. Sorry but how does it feel?
U GO GIRL!!!get him!!!he has nothing going for him but the INTERNET!!!

Originally posted by Darkstar
not true. My cavalier is half way to being fixed. :squint:

What now bitch? Huh? You steppin? Yeah, thats what i though. Loc dogg dont ride for no trick ass bitches.

Originally posted by Darkstar

buy the way,this forum is what douchebag??

Originally posted by ChopNDrop
Every time I see a picture of a car into a tree, the tree is perfectly fine, hardly a scratch on it. Thats amazing.

could it be because there is a car wrapped around where the tree is hit?

Originally posted by Shaggy

one less retard on the road:eek3:

must have been blonde… :cool:

one less retard on the road:eek3:

dfwstangs.net :rolleyes:

how does HP come into play knocking over a tree:confused: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :slap:

another pic to the collection


Originally posted by LS1 babe
looks like she’s probably ok, but i have no other comments.
come on, weren’t you going to say something about female drivers? :smiley: :wink:

Originally posted by ChopNDrop
Every time I see a picture of a car into a tree, the tree is perfectly fine, hardly a scratch on it. Thats amazing.
Maybe they need to start making cars out of wood?

Every time I see a picture of a car into a tree, the tree is perfectly fine, hardly a scratch on it. Thats amazing.

I would think that a 3000 lb car with 300 hp would potentially knock the tree over or snap it in half. Obviously the tree will have superficial damage where hit.

i bet she was hott too…

:confused: HAHA they got what they deserved… and I see no tire tracks…:rolleyes:

things like this make me wonder why we allowed women to get drivers licenses (much less the ability to vote). Women should be in the kitchen, not on the highways. But i guess they do have to get groceries and stuff like that… So i guess i can go either way on this one. Maybe we could put some sort of monitoring device in their minivans so if they try to go anywhere but the supermarket the engine disables itself.

Originally posted by LS1 babe
oh please…lets move this to e-fighting! i don’t even want to start, but i hate well guys say women can’t drive. I bet i can drive better than you. I mean my trans am, my ram and hell i can probably ride my bike and my jet skii better than you. Sorry but how does it feel?

How does what feel?

Silly wimmenz thinking they can do more than cook and clean
