woman drivers eh?

saw this on sunday i think it was…ahh good times

stupid drivers, i have no idea how you could even do that :wstupid:

yes the car is balancing…

oh look, you can see my ricer wing in the side view mirror




oh and then there’s this…I didn’t make it but yea…


that shit’s doing a 50-50

oh yes it was lol…there was a crowd at the corner just looking and laughing haha

after getting out and realizing she was in danger, she decided to head back over and hang out by the car?

she probably had to get her cellphone…duh!



some things you just need a dick to do correctly


all pics work here, its facebook/photobucket/uploader.ws

so call your tech support plz, dont whine to me

yeah we can see it

haha and it’s madd sweet too

:lol: I take it you took the pic, chris?

edit: nevermind, see the huge wing in the sideview :smiley:

you FAIL lil jimmy

we can see it fine

haha yea, right by the canal, next to swisstons

sunday i think it was, just was too lazy to upload my pics lol

I’d do er

she didn’t look that bad…

it did seems she felt very stupid for doing this, she looked a bit embarrassed to be standing out there with everyone watching lol


fuck BMX and freestyle skating…im’a gonna grind that shit wit ma kaaaa!!!

Extreme Freestyle Driving, needs work.

this is fucking awesome…


This is the type of behavior I’d expect out of Dawn

hell yea, i’m going there right after work and am gonna do a 50/50 all the way across the bridge…subaru power!