Poor gearheadgirl11 (also truck drivers)

So i was driving home yesterday and watched this poor tractor trailer attempt the shittest turn for 18 wheelers ever. The truck tried making this crazy right turn onto this left curved street, ran over the curb but pretty much made it until some idiot lady driver in front of me couldnt give the truck driver any room and starting driving forward while he was still turning. Now mind you everyone else moved out of the way to give this guy some space and instead she went straight and ended up being bumped by those massive tires and damaging the driver side of her car… it actually pushed her inbetween the two lanes. She flipped out but wouldnt move her damn car out of the way. Im still amazed that the high volume of idiot drivers on the road dont change from state to state :frowning:

I have a lot of respect for CDL drivers.

It was soo nutty. She didnt move and we’re in the car yelling like shed hear us :slight_smile: And then she called the cops and tried pinning it on the driver but we stopped and made a witness report Blamed her stupid ass.
Dumb cracker jack box licenses

Fixed. :slight_smile:


Ugh, try getting stuck behind two on a bike when it’s windy, you get thrown around like a ragdoll.

I did that on my first highway run on my bike… i went down like a 4 year old learning to ride a bike without training wheels, great video footage though haha

You had a highway spill from 18 wheeler wind? Shit.

Now keep in mind I was green lol but lots of fun falling down (it probably hurt when it happened but i dont remember much pain now)

Oh, wow…I was just talking about it moves the bike lol. That sucks hard.

How in the hell could have fun falling off a bike on the highway. wtf.

I may be a chick but i still dont mind getting dirty and hurt. Snowboarded for the first time this year went to work for a week with a fractured femur and sweat pants but its still something im stoked to get back into when winter comes again. I have scars and stories for each one

where is said video?

Not on my work computer it’s at home on my laptop, i’ll try and upload up later. Wanna make fun of me stang? lol


It’s ok fry im not here to prove anything to anyone.

Me too, my dad drives truck so I always give them extra room. Hell there has been times where I’ve seen a semi trying to merge and I’ll cut some a-holes off and slow down to let them in.

Has to be a hard job with so many idiots on the road.

gearheadhirl how old are you? wtf. You and houseS2K need to get together and have a post party.

What does my age have to do with anything? BTW ive only posted two threads, and im bored off my ass at work

I’m just curious because of the way you speak/type.