I am going karaoke on a friday

title of thread is very FOB


So - what you’re saying is that you are too scared to sing karaoke? :slight_smile:

So where are you going to be? I’ll stop out for a few. Shoot me a PM.

Klub Karaoke on niagara and hertel… its GREAT people watching too… lol

some in springville :gotme:

I wanna rock out with my cock out


I somehow ended up there one night. Oh my lawd!

Go to Tudor Lounge. I don’t exactly ‘fit in’ there, but I heart it. It’s fun.

And Newman explained it spot on.

I’m a 240 lbs chinese kid, do you think I fit in ANYWHERE in buffalo? I don’t even fit in with the fucking engineering groups.

lol. touche.

i still have done it a few times… karaoke isn’t my thing really. IDK, i figured it would.

fuck. i’d go but i have to work at 6am.