I am going karaoke on a friday

Where do I have to go.

Please tell me. Thanks.

My basement.

Tudor Lounge.

Are you SURE TUDOR LOUNGE has it on friday? what time does it start? Please confirm.

I am going to rock the living cock off of you


Starts around midnight.

Fucking MIDNIGHT???


haha come on howie, quit being so old!! who goes home earlier than 12?

It’s Buffalo. Nothing good starts until midnight.

jj, its 4 am. nothing cool happens before 4 am

jj being whiny as usual “so jam, what am i going to miss???”

me “guess you’ll never know jj… guess you’ll never know”

wait. time out. howie, you’re going to the tudor lounge on friday night? um, wtf. no phone calls or texts anymore to let me know you’re around. thanks buddy.

karaoke there is always fun. i was just thinking about how i really want to do karaoke. i know the people who “provide” the karaoke at the tudor. they’re freakin’ sweet. bruce and… oh i forget her name. either way, i don’t know where i’m going with this.

i want to karaoke zombie by the cranberries.

starts at midnight. Howie. go. I will sing with you.

Garden park cafe on genesee/union is decent, every night starting at 10

Doesn’t Yings on Eggert do karoke every night? I swear every night I am in there getting food, there is that creepy old guy singing on the stage.

the mic at Ying’s probably has AIDS on it

ha. I’ll be at Tudor on Friday. Not for the karaoke, just for the clean bathrooms and great ambiance.

I’ll swing through on friday, it’s not everyday you get to see asian’s sing karaoke… oh wait… :fail:


Awesome, I’ll be there for a going away party anyway.

tudor on fridays is usually packed with hipster fggts who get pissed of when you don’t do obviously ironic 80’s and 90’s songs.

where’s the video?