I Am New

:wiggle: heyy everybody this is my first car forum ever i hear they are bad news


u will spend more money than u will ever make by being on them…WELCOME

:wave: what up and welcome

what u rideee kiiiid?


welcome :wave: what are ya drivin?

:wave: welcome aboard, keep the drama in check and you’ll do fine.

its mybuddy joe…he has a clean contour DD…but knows his stuff with muscle cars and that kinda CRAP from his dad …i think he is more into school rather than spending on cars at the moment…i would imagine he’ll have some sort of beast soon

welcome :wave:

welcome mamao…! :wave:

Thanks Kyle. Yea money is tied up in school right now but eventually I’d like to put together a '67 Camaro SS.

i almost bought one a couple months back and i dident…i regret that alot.

anyway welcome :wave:

A buddy of mine’s dad bought one about ten years ago. Took him 3 years to restore it and get it ont he road. Literally days after he got it on the road…his brother took it out…destroyed it. Talk about heartbreak.
