I beseech you, internet. Enlighten me with your wisdom.

Which style will make me most stylish whizzing through traffic and pulling wheelies during rush-hour?




2nd… the top one makes you look like youre about to jump 20 flaming buses

2,it has skulls.


skulls > *


They’re both uglier than my nutsack.

Pics of your bike? Shit’s gotta match or you might as well be wearing black boots with a brown belt. :gay:

Fggts match their gear to their bike. And my bike is silver…

evil kinevil (spelling?) ftw

i think both are ugly. I LOVE matte black helmets. The matte blue ones a nice too.

i’m actually partial to the helmets with mohawks coming out of them for crotch rockets…

and i say go with neutral colors so it’ll match anything…

i’m not a big fan of stars OR skulls, i’d pass on both. Matte black ftw.


I like #2

pic of said sack?

PM sent to justa4door. :mamoru:


matt’s black. love it.

Meh, thought about putting it here… Thanks for moving I guess.


i like this one with mirror tint


Flat black is boring and played out. I may as well put a mohawk on top and really look like a douche.


yeah. and then cover your bike with the Famous Stars and Straps logo!

But i don’t think flat black helets are played out, but if you do, i think you should stick to something less “eye-popping”