I caught a rat!


Less Desirable has nothing to do with race. I just took a shit that wasn’t very desirable… not cause it was green or brown… but because it didn’t make me feel good, and when other people went near it they were disgusted. Some white people make me feel like diarhea as much as some black people. I hate all Pikinese people though. After I saw their acrobatic antics @ the fair, it made me sick how skillful those little people were. t-up to them. I gave a standing ovation. I was then followed by many others. They were very good.
If your a drug dealer I don’t give a shit what color you are… you better lace that shit with something toxic so you all die. As far as gangs are concerned. Unless your leader is Robin Hood… go find an empty parking lot, and kill eachother. Whoever is left alive should kari kari their ass to join their brothers. Theives need to be shot. Take away their life, and they will know how I felt when they stole my CD player and CD collection.

I hate bad people. I hate rats. But I’d rather shoot a bad person in the face before I shoot a good rat.