I caught a rat!

:rofl: X 10100101001

you trapped it… then shot it?

this is kind of fucked up…


He has nothing to live for, and neither did that rat. Cause rats have no souls.

haha. i will so arm wrestle you.

“less desirable” had nothing to do with race.

It was a combination of the welfare recipients we all support, gang members, drug dealers, career drug users, thieves, etc… all which make up my happy little neighborhood.

Sorry if anyone had assumed it had something to do with race.

Immediately, this thread comes to mind: http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1700&highlight=robbed

You forgot the career drug users and thieves but thanks for understanding what I meant :tup:

I’m “more desirable” because I work for a living. I don’t sell drugs, I’m not affiliated with a gang, I don’t steal, I don’t kill people, and don’t use illegal narcotics. Nor do I ABUSE legal drugs.

Other than owning a Cavalier, I think I’m doing alright :tup: :rofl:


Less Desirable has nothing to do with race. I just took a shit that wasn’t very desirable… not cause it was green or brown… but because it didn’t make me feel good, and when other people went near it they were disgusted. Some white people make me feel like diarhea as much as some black people. I hate all Pikinese people though. After I saw their acrobatic antics @ the fair, it made me sick how skillful those little people were. t-up to them. I gave a standing ovation. I was then followed by many others. They were very good.
If your a drug dealer I don’t give a shit what color you are… you better lace that shit with something toxic so you all die. As far as gangs are concerned. Unless your leader is Robin Hood… go find an empty parking lot, and kill eachother. Whoever is left alive should kari kari their ass to join their brothers. Theives need to be shot. Take away their life, and they will know how I felt when they stole my CD player and CD collection.

I hate bad people. I hate rats. But I’d rather shoot a bad person in the face before I shoot a good rat.

This was totally Karma eligible. But it said, “You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Jack again.” So no Karma for you.

But it is true. There are definatly less desirable people around. As bad as it may sound, it is true.

I think I’m gonna get t-shirts made with this. This and “Your pink shirt is really cute… FAGET” and “hey, your collar is up… and so is your buddies.”

:rofl: they would have been perfect for the fair.

:lol: yeah well this was a “less desirable” rat…it was goin for my food man…an im poor…if it eats my food what the fuck am I gona eat? Im not eatin the damn rat. Besides, you could say I was doing the humane thing by killin it…it was in a trap, and was stuck, if I was stuck in a trap I’d want to be shot in the face by an airsoft gun till I died…lol

He/she didn’t do anything to you :frowning:

They set off his trap Goob. They set off the trap. What else did you want JEG to do? What other choice did he have?

[Kimbo Slice] Dats how a nigga eat[/Kimbo Slice]

If the rat was eating your food from inside a trap, set by you, you wouldn’t punish it with multiple shots to the face with an AirSoft rifle? Would you skin it alive… and make a rat hat?

Damn… I missed all the drama. http://www.99smiles.com/hide.gif

Comment on Sig ^^^

Mine will be a wifey. Its easier than saying Fiance’ . She hates it when I call her GF.

Also by not capitolizing Jack it helps me be sneaky when I give the horse a tug job :snky: t-spray

For the wifey comment… I’m talking about the youngins. Well we’re youngins too. … eh I dunno it bugs me when people overplay it on teh internet. :stuck_out_tongue:

And for the horse… be gentle.

Hey man…survival of the fittest. What about the woodchuck that was living under your house that j killed lol?

Only on the internet would all these conversations stem from “I killed a rat”

omg wtf


All the woodchucks, including Woody, are happily living under my house. None of them have been harmed to my knowledge.

WTF… you have a woodchuck named Woody too?

me and iamjeff almost cuaght a rat last night @ mighty, but our subtle attempts by throwing pop, cups, rocks, quarters and other miscelaneous silver coinage, could not draw the beast out. :frowning:

Who said who seed who set said seed?