WTBorrow:Silenced Rifle

If anyone has one, pm me.


a scientific experiment

lol… by science he means murder… :slight_smile:

i need this asap.


Anybody else totally creeped out by this thread?

ill be performing some mythbusters type ish…

aka can my neighbors little yappy POS dog that they let out at 7am after I get home at 3am sustain a bullet to the head and be ok.

LOL…check magic 8 ball…andddddddd

sources say NO!

thats just speculation

scientific method will guarantee a conclusive answer FTW!

my dad’s told me in the past he could make one…i doubt he would though lol

Why not club it like a baby seal?

thats too violent.

I already shot a roman candle at it. And they dont know it was me. Id prefer to keep it that way…

Before you go killing a part of their family, have you tried saying something to the neighbors?


And its not part of their family. THey hate it. I think it barks for hours on end in some sort of effort to bark itself to death, it hates its life that much…

$100 says ull never do it


i probably wouldnt. Id like to have the option to do so though…

if they hate it that much, there is always the spca.

What kind of dog is it? Screw the SPCA. It’ll just wind up dead. If it’s some sort of toy-breed pure bred or 50/50 mix they could probably sell it for a few hundred to someone who wants it.

you’ll get much more satisfaction out of bare-handing it, believe me…

just be like Steven Segal and duct tape a 2 or 3 liter pop bottle to the end of the barrel