Property owners chime in.

What do you plan to do with the steel structure, take it with you? The ground prep/slab/wiring/etc is the expensive part on a steel building which you cant get back.

Is the town cool with you converting a 1fam home to a 2fam? What can you get in rent for whichever one you’re not going to live in?

It’s 10 new hurdles you can solve by just buying a house with the garage you want already there. That way the previous owner has already taken the hit and you can buy it at a depreciated value. The goal of a starter home is to get equity and gtfo into something you actually want to live in. People often get stuck there by dumping money into making the place better but they’ll never get it back out again. Just my $.02, as always.

Rotterdam prop taxes are a good chunk higher than average around here, how can you say otherwise? For what you pay in taxes for a shithole in R-dam, you can have an average $350k house in Clifton Park. With better schools and…not in Rotterdam. That’s why Schen Co. houses are so cheap - they have to be so people can afford the taxes.

So you’re counting on the assessor putting a low value on the house…when all he does all day is assess homes to make money for the county and town… Sounds like a good bet. :poke