Property owners chime in.

I should be going to look at a property this week seeing that I know about as much about houses as feminine hygiene products and living in apartment units my whole life I figured I’ll ask some of the homowners on the site. :excited

All I know is that I should bring a digital camera and when I get there kick the walls around make sure they don’t fall down.

What are the key areas I should take a look at that could be deal brakers?

What is a wear item that’s really expensive to fix? Roof is one of them I believe.

House is build on a slab so basement won’t be an issue but cracks in the base are possible?

Jammer might be getting a call soon :ninja

I thought Bakerian was an agent?
He could probably help you out?

roof, setpic system, general heating/plumbing up to date electrical, good driveway, condition of the windows/doors… drafty windows/doors = $$$$$ for heating in the winter

*Waits for Bakerian to be on the active list

It’s got natural gas heating and a detached 2 car garage, both of which I believe are a plus in the heating book.

aside from general condition of shit (which a certain bad to an extent is good for me to lower the cost) Look at what county its located in for tax reasons. When you go to get a mortgage they always have an appraisal done and usually have a home inspection done for structure and termites, theres ALOT of stuff to take into consideration with overall condition that unless you have worked in the field for a while, most people would not know what to look for. Bring a contruction friend that knows some shit.

What your describing is a home inspection which is what Jammer does professionally. You should absolutely have one done.

x2 he did mine (before i knew him on here actually) and was very good. i would not hesitate to do business with again.

a bank wont give you a loan without a home inspection. if it doesnt pass inspection then u dont buy the house.

Oh I’m definitely be going with Jammers inspection services, but this will be my first visit to the house, and I figured while I’m there I may as well check a few things out for myself before going further.

It’s in Latham so taxes are not bad at all.

Let Jammer worry about the structure and utilities of the house. You’ll get a nice recap after he looks it over. For right now, go look at it and see if you actually want to live there. Bed, baths, layout, neighborhood, budget, taxes, etc.

Fair enough.

So far, description and exterior wise it’s quite satisfactory, unless there is a black hole in the middle of the living room interior shouldn’t be a problem. I’m easily pleased, especially since I was never spoiled by living in a house. Hard to do worse then an apartment.

hey if u want ill go check the houses out with u i know alot about buying & building houses . 1 thing u should look for is water damage its 1 of the worst things u can find. look at insolation its not a big deal but it is important summer & winter

Compare the values of the houses located around it as well.

It’s a bank short sale, so it’s slightly below the surrounding houses.

Like what everyone else is saying, especially DJ you may want to bring a friend that is construction savy and knows what to look for. Take a look at the windows, roof, chimney, electrical and the box (make sure you’re working with breakers and not fuses), check APPLIANCES to ensure they’re working if they are included with the sale of the home. Check the property taxes on the house too. That can be a major deal breaker. In most cases anytime you go to get a mortage its required to have a home inspection done and they will tell you what problems there are with the house.

I’m going right through my check list of all the little things my inspector found that could be fixed on my house.

I have a couple of references for home inspectors if you need one. Let me know.

Home Inspections X100000. Do not just get some Jack in the Box guy either, someone reputable.

Worth their weight in gold.

PM me if you have any specific questions, I’ll do my best to answer them.

Water damage, how old is the roof? any issues? Asbestos? Radon check? Septic issues? Foundation/plumbing? etc etc

Oil heat? Natural Gas?

Give me the address and I’ll see what back info I can pull up on it regarding owners, etc. PM Me if you want.

Damage came up to be a disaster inside, which I was able to tell even without an inspector. House was not even worth the new lowered price tag much less the original asking price.

On the lookout for more now.

I’ll post pics in a bit.

Post some pics!!! pretty much any POS house can be rebuilt

Banks arent stupid. There’s always a reason for the lowered price.

They rarely clean houses before showing them and when people are getting foreclosed on they usually trash the place because they’re dirtbags like Failvis.