WTBorrow:Silenced Rifle

i just so happend to pick up something :wink:

On it’s way to the homosexual undertones thread!

FYI with using a silenced wepon you also need sub sonic ammunition or the small sonic boom from the round will be loud enough in itself…

just use a good qulaity pellet gun that you can pump the shit out of.

you could go totally sicko and just stuff a bunch of mentos down the dog’s throat, then quickly funnel a ton of coke into his mouth, followed immediately by duct taping it shut…

good cover up too…stupid dog got into the human food…

i don’t think mentos would do much.

but he might want to try alcaseltzer. (sic)


Don’t forget to fill the bottle with shave cream.

ACTUALLY…mentos and pop create lots of gas like vinegar and baking soda…much like the old Pop Rocks and Cola myth but true

Hey Mike!

Can we catch it, and take it to your shop?

We can machine its fucking face off.

and then throw it in with the evo, when you sell it. as a little bonus.

So I look out my window, and theres a ton of kids toys out there. One of which is a frisbee laying upside-down. Im gonna go out at like 4am and fill it up with anti-freeze. That should do the trick…


steal it and drive it 10 miles from there and let it Free to frolic in the forest.

dude silencers are totally easy.

pvc tube, equally spaced washers and cotton. like this


make sure the cotton is out of the path of the bullet, and the washers are large enough to handle the caliber of the bullet.

2-3 uses per silencer. easy to discard and disassemble.

or just machine a few of these baffles. make the outer diameter the same as the inner measurement of a 2D maglite… a few threaded fittings… git er dun.

For a $100 ill take care of the dog for you.

Dead serious.

There is a Blow-Dart Gun for sale on this forum.

Problem solved. A bullet in a dog will attrack to much attention. A dart… it’ll get blamed on some kids.

cinderblock dropped on its head ftw.

i thought silencers were illegal in NYS?


best way to take an animal to the spca to have it put down is to give said animal to “Affinity” over on UBRF, she’ll drop it off for you

… im soooooo going to hell …

yo, seriously, don’t do anything stupid. take the fucking dog to the spca.

thats the beauty of the DIY silencer, throw the things away in several locations en route to your alibi. Largely untraceable.