WTBorrow:Silenced Rifle

lolol this is hilarious and something id say and prob do

Go buy a dog whistle and when you get home at 3 am start blowing it.

^^ LOL that could be funny, but would prolly make the little bastard bark more.

Blow gun for :snky: the win.


Ummm pretty much illegal anywhere in the USA unless you have a federal license and pay the tax on said silencer

Can be obtained with the proper permits and time and money. They are very hard to get and you need a really good reason to justify owning one.

Dog whistle will only make it bark more.

Call the cops. Give me your address and I’ll send you some earplugs.

Violence and /or vigilantism is not the civilized solution.

All you have to do is set him out a nice bowl of green koolaid :wink:

By green koolaid I mean anti-freeze.

“Let’s harm the dog.”:gay:

You’re all retards. At the very most just take it to the SPCA.

My dog seemed to love rat poison. (And $1500 later, he’s just fine.)

I have a pellet rifle that shoots at 1000 FPS. I killed a squirrel with it from about 20 feet once. I’d imagine a key shot to the noggin to a dog would do some crucial damage.

P.s- The dog whistle idea might work pretty well actually. If you get that fucker barking enough the owners might end up getting rid of him. Rig up some kind of fan/tube/whistle contraption so the whistle is blowing 24/7. After a day or 2 they’ll toss that fucker to the curb (animal shelter).

how about this idea? we take 100 dollars and use it to build the guillotine and this little mutt that they call their dog can be our first test subject?

Dont kill it,just keep feeding it people food :).

Slim Jims,Potato chips,french fries,hot dogs…etc.

hahah it will SHIT everywhere!!


feed it a bucket of beer too.

take video.

post it here.


you people suck… i hope to god nothing happens to this dog… cuz if somebody ever took it upon themselves to hurt my dog, you could imagine the most painful retaliation ever… ill leave it at that…

Do you have a small annoying little whippersnapper dog that can be thrown?

no joke, i know what each of your cars looks like. :wink:

Yeah, sure. You can borrow mine no questions asked. Maybe I’ll get it out and handle it and make sure my prints are all over it first, just to make things easy for you.
