WTBorrow:Silenced Rifle

the more prints the better!

If you think I was serious about that, you are a total moron. I like to think its obvious im not that stupid.

Antifreeze crossed my mind. Seriously. THen I called the cops. Not sure what theyll do, probably nothing, but w/e. I tried.


dont do it…lol

have you approached the neighbors about this at all? Just say hey can you keep it indoors from sundown to sunrise? If they say “well the farker barks all night in the house that why we let it out”
offer to take it to SPCA…shit I’ll do it for ya. As much as I hate the little yipper dogs and want to punt them sometimes to kill an animal like that when there are better solutions is just weaksauce. I know you are S-M-R-Ter than that!

http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/NySpeedPix/teacup_poodle.jpg Is THIS the one??!?!1

yap yap yap :shoot:

Due to NYS assualt weapons ban, you cannot legally own silenced, short barreled, or NFA registered automatic weapons. And while the movies will make you beleive different, you cannot silence a supersonic rifle round, because the shockwave off the bullet will still make a whole lot of noise. You can load light loads to get a subsonic and silenced round, but then many semi-automatic rifles will not cycle. the SF side of the military does have m-16 silencers, but they are used for the open area stuff where the sound of a muzzle brake will make more noise than the rifle, and in a desert, a muzzle brake really screams. but all in all, if you can get a real rifle with a true silencer, don’t advertise it here. :slight_smile:

Dont need supersoniic, a .22 would take that little fucker down.

for real, stop the who’s dick is bigger fest and keep your shit on the DL, i don’t know why people advertise thier personal shit on public forums. seems incredibly stupid to me.

Yeah but your dog is super sweet. And not a fluffy ibarkatanythingthatmoves dog. :tup:

And your neighbor’s dog sounds just like Donald Duck when it barks. :lol:


ok one take that frisbee an load it up with beer and some kind of laxitive, some reason dogs like beer… Then take a paint gun with a marble or 2 in it an unload. BB guns with field tip pellets work well also. BTW anyone got a suggestion on how to be rid of a fat ass wood chuck. Sorry to hone in your thread but since we both wana kill something…

ok i dont encourage but i know what works… you take a small sponge pour gravy on it… dog eats it ans it expands in its stomach killing it… no way to know it was you… they think the dog ate a spounge… try it it workks i would just tell the neighbors though to shut the thing up