What a great fucking day!!!!

I’m down. If I shave I can still pass for 19/20 as long as nobody says anything. See the nice thing about dating girls who cant legally drink is you can always make then drive you around while your drunk. Its a free ride man that can almost always end in sex. One of my “taxis” just turned 21 recently so I am a little depressed. she was a dependable one to, though i never slept with her.

Oh and for all you little girls whining about not getting invites. Reach my level of epic underage womanizing and you can come. I’m 26 the oldest girl I have ever slept with was 20 and that is when i was 20, they only got younger from there. Never below 16 though and only 1 16 yearold when i was 21. Average is 17/18