What a great fucking day!!!!

sorry for your loss bro. hope things workout with your gf.

Sorry about the Grand-pa. I would think of it as he is in a much better place and not suffering from cancer now though. Put a positive spin on it.

Wasn’t your girlfriend like 12 or something. I an’t remember but if she was go find another underage chick to bang, they are a dime a dozen

I don’t know you personally but I am sorry for your loss.


family first man. morn ur g-pa and remember him for the man he was, fuck the women. they come and go faster than i changed my underware (at least once a week)

oh man, Jeff, i’m sorry to hear that. you’re a nice guy, you dont deserve this kind of stuff, but it’s life. nothing you can do but deal. gimme a call sometime man, we havent hung out in a long time, since the brake job.

all i have to say is fuck heather… the hole time ive known u u know my stance with her… and has for ur grandfather my thoughts and prayers go out broski!!

Yo Jeff, sorry to hear the news. Come over tonight and help me work on my 240, get your mind off things :smiley:

ron she was 19 :rofl. Ill text you on this party we just had 3 days ago. and how your invited for the cp friday night :lol. your gunna be the oldest there. lol. where all 20-21, girls are 18-19 :lol. ill let you know!

Im so done with highschool girls. Ya most of them are hot. Theyj cause drama, waste of time/money. and are still in highschool, when im legal to drink. NO fun in that.

Thanks guys!.. might take a week from everything with my coisen and fly out there to AZ. then hit up Cali where his brothers live. Santa Monica here i come!.. well maybe… :lol

I would have to be the bearer of bad news, but the legal drinking age is 21 :hug

um where the fuck is my invite for this shit?!?!?!?!!?

ya, 2-3 months big deal :lol not like i drink anyways. unlike some ppl :shifty


I’m down. If I shave I can still pass for 19/20 as long as nobody says anything. See the nice thing about dating girls who cant legally drink is you can always make then drive you around while your drunk. Its a free ride man that can almost always end in sex. One of my “taxis” just turned 21 recently so I am a little depressed. she was a dependable one to, though i never slept with her.

Oh and for all you little girls whining about not getting invites. Reach my level of epic underage womanizing and you can come. I’m 26 the oldest girl I have ever slept with was 20 and that is when i was 20, they only got younger from there. Never below 16 though and only 1 16 yearold when i was 21. Average is 17/18

God. :bowdown

+1 :excited

sorry about poppy bro :cry: :hug

Sorry about your grandpa.

Seems like some of you guys like little girls. Not me- Im way too old for that shit. Im also better off single.

This made me LOL.

I don’t date them. That one of the reasons 18-20 yearsolds are awesome. They’re idiots and dont want relationships. when you get into the out of college girls they are in that settle down and start life mode


still too young for me