So my grandmother died today...

and the funeral is on Sunday. I havent seen the woman in 10 years. And my brother and girlfriend are all pissed off at me because im not gonna go to the funeral and am gonna go to watch the Steeler game instead.


Go to the funeral… show some respect for your family

dude this is yet another reason why you are sooooooooo gay…what goes around comes around man

if i died, i wouldnt care who came to my funeral. Especially people that ive havent seen in 10 years. No birthday cards, no presents. Theres not any bad blood, just mutual ignoring. I do hate all her other daughters and their kids though. I mean, even if there isnt a big game, I still REALLY wouldnt want to go.

yeah man its still family.

and even know its been 10 years, I;m sure she seen you when you were young and had some type of infulance on your life. I;m sure she was involved when you were a kid and wasn;t like. “oh XX had a kid, whoop t doo”

“its your life, do what you wish with it”

yeah, im sure you’re right… but… I dunno. Its not so much that i dont want to go up an pay her respect or whatever, but I just think its kinda hipocritical to not give a shit about the woman when she was alive and then pretend to give a shit once she dies. Plus I cant stand the rest of the family.

it does seem shallow but you do have a point. im goin to hell

iknow what you mean, but just pop in say your respects for the time she may have given you back in the day and leave.

I totally understand the family issue. I tell my family like it is and if they get pissed so fucking what I ignore them till they shut the fuck up about stupid shit. If you haveto go kneel, stand up, sign the book and leave, then so be it. At least you payed your respects and can get out for the game.

Everyone wins

You, G-ma, and you against the family

another thing is they are really religious. And im very NOT religious. And when asked to join in religious shit, I never do, which will probably piss them off.

mike just go…

nah sall good. I just talked to my mom. They arent even having a real funeral. Its just gonna be a few people meeting at my aunts house. they are gonna have a thing in the summer where they spread her ashes out in the ocean. Thats when everyone is gonna show. My mom was totally cool that I wasnt gonna come. She said she didnt really expect me to anyways. Plus I have to work a midnight shift saturday and sunday night, so there is no way I can leave work after being up all night, go to Baltimore, be there all day, then come home and have to go right back to work for another midnight shift. Thats like 36 hours of being awake, and i have to be sharp sunday night cause im training a new hire.

the steeler game aint ont till 6.30 on sunday night, atleast just drop in

you need to at least make an appearance mike

be a man n show some respect n go for the ashes thing mike…

make an appearence mike, even if you don’t care about your grandmother step in and show some support for your mom. Even if you can’t fucking stand her, at least step up and do the right thing.

like it or not she’s still one reason you are here on earth, atleast pay ur respects to that.

do what you want.

i’m sure your grandmother won’t care either way.