What a great fucking day!!!!

…Broke up with my gf of 3 years


My grandfather died.


sorry to hear that man, keep ya chin up

damn you should deff not drive today

sorry to hear that man

Sorry to hear about the grandpa

girlfriend you can do without

sorry to hear that jeff :frowning: good luck, you’ll get through everything.

as stated. fuck bitchs, make money

sorry to hear about ur g-pa.

Thanks guys. This is the other g-pa.I already had to deal with loosing my dads father in 06 which lives here in rotterdam and was closer than anyone… :(. But He Lives in AZ but comes up every other year all summer, and lives with me. Last 2 years he hasnt come up or done anything. Found out he had cancer. didnt tell anyone. F bullshit bc i just talked to him last night, about this summer.

GF drama just added to the fun…

Does hitting another deer count? F berne/altamont/knox.

if your GF cant support you when your grandpa dies then fuck her. in more ways then one, but mostly in the “who needs her” kind of way.

Really sorry to hear about your grandpa dude

Nah she dosnt even know/has nothing to do with it…its such a long story… Ill most likly in a week, miss her and want her back like i do right now… :cry:

Sorry to about your grandfather. About the GF i know how it is, theres no shame in wanting her back so dont listen to any of these guys.


Im saying there nothing wrong if he wants her back. Like he said he would

Jef-fa-fa I heart you!!! :hug

lets do some fun shit tomorrow to get your mind off stuff, i have nothing to do after I drop the monster off at school, let me know what you wanna do…text me

I will let this comment slide this time (this is the reason I have FF1000’s on da Scoob)… sorry to hear of your losses. MY best friend just lost his grandfather as well. :frowning:

Women suck man, nothing but drama, and draw funds away from our cars.:wink:

couldn’t have said it better myself.

sorry for your loss bro.

senior heff… im sorry… come over today and we can cuddle

an hero