can i get some prayers!

for gmoney and her family, gram just passed this morning…


I know it sucks. especially around christmas time and the holidays.

My condolences.


gina, i lost my grandma 2 weeks ago… i know what you are going through.

my condolences to you and your family.

Post :frowning: (for sonny)

tell her i am sorry… i lost my grandma on xmas when i was younger, i know how it feels

sorry to hear about your Gram
you know if ya need anything let me know!

:grouphug: :frowning: Sorry to hear that…

I wouldn’t know what to do, if i lost my Gram…

tell her i am sorry
my condolences to you and your family.

very sorry to here that g"!!

sending prayers

very sorry to hear. I lost my grams a few months ago.

she has been really sick the past few days, so we all knew it was coming. but it just sucks. gram has lived with gina since she was a baby, so it was like a second mom for her. she was a great lady, she adopted kids to have more. she always made sure i had a christmas present and was always so fun to talk with.

that sucks, i lost my grandfather around christmas when i was in college. i’ll definitely be sure to send one up for her :angel:

very sorry about your loss you and your family will be in my prayers

You have my sympathy… family loss is hardest at the Holidays…

You have my condolences.

My condolences and prayers…

i will light a candle for her and her familiy when i go into church today for confession

My condolences to both you and her