kinda spooky

My GreatGrandma (94) always predicted her and her sister(91) would die on the same day. Well her sister died on tuesday and the funeral was yesterday, my great grandma died last night. :eek3:

damn sorry bout the loss :frowning:

:frowning: Sorry to hear that.

:frowning: sorry to hear :frowning:

thanks guys, she was 94, and it wasn’t unexpected. I have stories that i could entertain you guys for days about her. Like how she used to walk home from work and steal a brick from this constuction site every day. There is about 200 brand new bricks in her garage. how all the towels, silverware, dining ware in her house say UC— University Club (u of PGH) lol. Or the time i got 16 pounds of unrolled pennies for my 16th b-day.

"how all the towels, silverware, dining ware in her house say UC— University Club (u of PGH) lol. "

my kind of woman !!!

Sorry, Cutty

Sorry for the loss
but that is some freaky shit - it makes you think when a prediction comes true like that

Sorry for your loss

sorry for your loss.

Very strange, indeed. However, I’m sorry to hear that.

i am sorry for you and your family cutty

sorry about your loss bob :frowning:

sorry. but wierd though.

Sorry about your loss B-O-B…strange prediction though…

very weriod…i bet you never thought it would happen that way. sorry to hear about your loss.