I crashed. (pic.)

Pro stock final at Bigbolder ski area in PA.
got a little swapped up before a jump…ended up like this…don’t remember much due to the concussion.
Just thought it would be funny to post this picture up of me.
i’m going to throw “own3d” out there right now…





umm ok douche bag?

Not sure on what you are calling bs?

Well this explains the “70 in a 55, no way I’m going to speed” comment :wink:

Nice pic though, looks like it hurt like hell.

put that picture on the wall! ouch, glad to hear you are ok!

What race org was this? What class do you run??


What race org was this? What class do you run??


Rock Maple Racing. Central.
Pro stock and Pro Open.

DAmn dude that sucks. Got any more pics?


Rock Maple Racing. Central.
Pro stock and Pro Open.


Nice. I raced a few semi-pro stuff a few year’s ago. I hit a few rock maple race’s.
What happened to the sled?? And who build’s your open sled??

it was to only getting a concussion from that

christ tyler, i was worried we wouldnt be able to trade cars now…

must have been from all that b00zing the night before. any other injuries?

glad to hear youre ok (for the most part)


tyler is that even your number i thought you were 101 weird im drunk that must be why