I effing hate cats... but AWWWWWW

AWWWWW!!! :slight_smile:


Yeah but cute kittens grow up to become overentitled mean cats.

Oh, and after searching youtube for a mean cat video I have concluded that cat people are weird…

kittens i can handle…

cats are cool unless after 5 minutes in a house with one you can’t see or breathe anymore from allergy’s


kittens i can handle…

cats are cool unless after 5 minutes in a house with one you can’t see or breathe anymore from allergy’s


truth, the next day sucks too i feel like i got punched in the ribs.

i love cats and you all know thats going into CATURDAY

I just noticed it is totally puss in boots from shreck. the eyes and the droopy ears, same cat.

fuck cats and their god damn dander

stupid jim

Ill stick to rottweilers. Most gentel caring family oriented dogs around.

I’m not allergic to anything so HAHA. Not even Poison Ivy. I can rollin the shit buck as naked and not get a spot. I LOVE the one cal Bullseye at the farm. He’s awsome.


Ill stick to rottweilers. Most gentel caring family oriented dogs around.


They are amazing dogs. Those and Dobermans are incredable family dogs.


I’m not allergic to anything so HAHA. Not even Poison Ivy. I can rollin the shit buck as naked and not get a spot.


Why do I get the feeling you’ve done this before?

Every cat i’ve ever had has been awesome, they are only mean if you treat them like shit while they are raised.


Why do I get the feeling you’ve done this before?


I was a landscaper for 10 years. My mother and father were both in horticulture. I am naturally immune to alot of the “poison” ivy’s and such. Not saying I can never get it as your body chemistry changes as you age, but for now, I am still immune. Being exposed to all the different plants and soils I’ve worked with has it’s bennefits. I’ve always healed very fast when I’ve had cuts on my hands as well due to the bacteria in the soil. It actually speeds up the healing process.

awwwwwww ista puuuurdy kitty

My cat dottie is very loving to me and my girl but hates everyone else.

that is one serious awww kittah