I find this Ironic.


Now they will be nazi’s. Delete ASAP.


i dont get it:confused:

RX3’s sig is HUGE and he’s telling people about what their sig size should be. It’s rather funny but not at the same time.

:gay3:thats what i thought, but didnt you know Rx3 is the judge, jury and exacutioner

funny, i PM’d him about that the other day and now this thread lol



you, you are a clever clever man. i applaud that.

and justin, yes the irony is deep with this1

Rx3 loves his anime, if he wants to show the world with a big avatar i say let him

hes an admin,that means howie and others trust him to make his own desicions and run the forum in their absence.

If he wants to have a sig that take up half of the screen, who gives a fuck?

IMHO 500x100 is perfect for scrolling and it keeps everything neat and tidy, but, hes a mod, so meh