I fought wolves today...


I had to drive home in a lab coat and my undies. It was so hot. Shiver.

I took them out of the washer to see…

Stupid bumpin conc. sulfuric acid.

my gf has scars from 3 years ago from sulfuric acid. maybe it was hydrocloric acid…

but none the less, glad your ok :tspry:

No Death, No Care

I had to drive home in a lab coat and my undies hhehehe

diarhea cha cha cha



So wait… these wolves spat acid at you? Sweet.


I don’t know what that means. If it means you want to know what color: they were blue boxerbriefs.


that, combined with Your sig is aplenty.


yeah ive been burnt with acid before it sucks balls.

Fan of Fight Club? :slight_smile:

My professor took me and another student to the Marlboro Inn to celebrate, hahahahwa

surprise sex?