So dumb. You’re going to get assault charges either way. Man up, make a fist, and deck him next time instead of that little sally slap.
I was just going to post the same exact thing, close that hand up man.
Or maybe he forgot his glove and was requesting an old timey duel lol
See normally you want to go with the nose punch for the French…big target, hard to miss. But these masks are proving to be difficult to find that sweet spot, so instead you end up wiggling the tip or go full-eye socket.
Thats a good read and right in my echo chamber.
Fox News commercials really do suck.
Some crazy pictures out there.
There were guys that stole an entire forklift with full pallets of tvs.
That’s a tough one.
No idea where I would put this.
My daughter and her friends sent a letter to Chuck.
She had to bust her ass all year. The teacher was not useful, so she and her friends spent countless hours on coursework. It was excessive. I’m 95% sure the class and exam are much harder than the actual college courses, but what would I know.
I think its funny that Schumer thinks he can save the day. I wonder what the declared value was on the shipping form. I’m betting $0 and no where near the $6k the kids think a test is worth.
Holy shit
Exams have been found.
It was going to be a free retake or refund.
I guess ups is giving kids $250 for college.
Thats one text book. She better pass now ;-D
Holy shit this is amazing, lol. Apparently it’s on the rise too.
Little was a victim of a ploy known as paper terrorism, a favorite tactic of an extremist group that is one of the fastest growing, according to government experts and watchdog organizations. Known as the Moorish sovereign citizen movement, and loosely based around a theory that Black people are foreign citizens bound only by arcane legal systems, it encourages followers to violate existent laws in the name of empowerment.
Just more evidence that you need a gun. I would have shot that piece of shit dead on the spot.
this is only on sketch outlets at the moment but it’s fresh:
this real tho?
“Reunification” will happen in my lifetime.