i fuckin hate college

I did it for a while and did bodywork stuff and just dont like doing it anymore. I guess I got burned out on it.

My truck runs fine.

So does the car but not because of anything Ive done.

wow well that sucks then…two degrees in something you don’t want to do


With the way things are right now, you’d be insane to drop out of school. Now is the PERFECT time to sharpen up your skills before the economy jumps back up and more jobs become available.

I’m referring to skilled labor when I say ‘available’ , not McDonalds burger flippers.

Yeah, sure sucks looking back at all the money and time wasted.

Atleast Ive got a steady job now though. Sure its far from a dream job but for now its ok until something better comes along.

I really dont think I could handle anything with more school or extended training. Ive got a hard time paying attention and staying awake for that sort of thing these days.

the motor blew in my old Blazer and I needed a better job than I had and this came along.

you should look into a state job…state jobs>linen

Ive thought about it but dont know which state job to apply for.

Really Id love to be the guy leaning on the shovel standing around with 12 other guys watching one guy work but I doubt I could get that position.

Im not the office kind. I couldnt just sit at a desk all day. I need activity and some randomness during the day. Thats why I like driving- I get out by myself and do different things.

there’s this thing called PJB.doc

thats where this quote is going

thats weird…i thought i had you figured out:ponder



No, Im too used to freedom to sit at a desk all day. Besides Ive got no computer skills and hate talking on the phone.

I had an office job when I was in college but even then I got to do deliveries for part of the day.

are you going for a PJB.doc record tonight?

:rofl ^PJB.doc

DOT construction worker…outside and good benefits?

or get with a union?

I wouldnt mind doing that except for winter and if I had to scoop up roadkill.

I dont know about unions. My dad was in one and hated being in it.

Things usually dont just come along… gotta be proactive!


whats wrong with roadkill? thats a fuckin perk…thats the randomness for ya? never know what your gonna find :lol

yeah, like I said Im kinda scared of change and Im not a risk taker. Id hate to quit my job, start a new one and get fired and then be fucked and the bank would take my truck and quad and my credit would be ruined and shit.

Maybe Im just paranoid?

ya i posted before refresh