i fuckin hate college

Id puke.

Check out some, take a day off of normal work and do a walkthrough of the new job. Also make sure to ask about job security, and the probablity of keeping that job. Not too big of a deal!

you’ll never move up with attitude

No like I can afford a day off without pay.
Maybe after the new year Ill look around. One of my friends keeps trying to get me into an insurance adjuster job but whenever I call theyre not hiring.

Im supposed to get a raise soon so I might see how that goes.

good luck^

there isn’t anything wrong with little less pay but with security when the economy the way it is

Thanks. And right now Ive got plenty of job security where I am.

This is the saddest thing I’ve ever read. Some of you admit that you’re going no where and some of you resent your education and are delusional enough to still think you’re going places. If you all keep voting socialist, you wont have to work a day in your life soon.


:rofl :rofl gotttttemmmmm^


Also, I think there is an issue often overlooked by those attending college to obtain a degree. Most people I talk to complain about their classes and say how they can’t wait for it to be over. Or they complain that they wish they had never went, etc.

IMO, college isn’t about the piece of paper you get when you graduate. It is about the education you get and what you learn. Knowledge is THE MOST important thing in the world. The more knowledge you have, the more you can do with your life, and you can do it smarter, not harder. If more people took pride in the work they do at college and the knowledge the obtain, if they realized how valuable it really can be, no one would complain.

That’s why you see a lot of these kids who’s parents or government pay for their education end up dropping out or they end up failing out. I kids had to pay for their own education they would appreciate it more.

PJB makes me sad


Get an education that is the best advice I can give to you. I went to college got my bachelors, started a business. 5 years later, I decided I could use more education to help grow my business and make myself more successful. Now I work all day, on weekends and at night I am getting my MBA at Union. Trust me, everyday the workforce is becoming more competitive, get as much out of the classes as you can and then apply them to the real world.

Im in class dyingggg right now, plus rep if I can.

No effing way.

Base pay would be $66,560 a year to $203,840 a year!?!?! I think you have your figures WAYY off.

Even if that base pay is $66K, it is hard to believe. in our area $66K is atleast 5+ years expierence in a specialized field with atleast a BS in said field… and that is HIGH. There is no way a baggage checker is making more than $17 an hr.

If that 32/hr is true. Why am I fixing NYS computer/server/network problems, i sould just more suitcases!

Don’t get a heart attack man, he meant $32/day


Good for you… MBA is definitely a nice step- more knowledge about business / operations and always potential for more networking. My boss has an MBA and he is still good buddies with the people he was in classes with 15+ years ago- and many of these guys are in executive positions now as well… Never a bad thing.

Nahh kiiid. He clearly states 32/hr.

But thanks for caring about my well being. :hug